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which statement is true regarding the models of abnormality?

If we are angry at someone, we may engage in physical or relational aggression to alleviate this stimulation. If you recognize your worth as a person, Carl Rogers would say that you have developed: a. spontaneity. Armed with this stunning revelation, Pavlov spent the rest of his career investigating the learning phenomenon. a. catharsis. The defense mechanism that BEST explains his behavior is: a. rationalization. When the individual is accepted as they are, they receive unconditional positive regard and become a fully functioning person. Medical Model of Mental Health in Psychology c. mitigate unacceptable impulses. This is an example of: A patient sees a therapist to help her address her eating disorder. Why is this? 140. If we are not motivated to perform an observed behavior, we probably will not show what we have learned. Still, cognitive-behavioral therapies have proven their efficacy for the treatment of OCD (McKay et al., 2015), perinatal depression (Sockol, 2015), insomnia (de Bruin et al., 2015), bulimia nervosa (Poulsen et al., 2014), hypochondriasis (Olatunji et al., 2014), and social anxiety disorder (Leichsenring et al., 2014) to name a few. In science, the perspectives used to explain events are known as: How do socioeconomic, gender, environmental, and multicultural factors affect mental illness and its treatment? Mood stabilizers are used to treat bipolar disorder and, at times, depression, schizoaffective disorder, and disorders of impulse control. d. Freud. d. They are unconscious and, therefore, not a factor in conscious experience. 92. Proponents of the biological model view mental illness as being a result of a malfunction in the body to include issues with brain anatomy or chemistry. Borderline personality disorder has also been found to be higher in people in low-income brackets (Tomko et al., 2012) and group differences for personality disorders have been found between African and European Americans (Ryder, Sunohara, and Kirmayer, 2015). Step 6 Please note that this process is cyclical. They act as the instructions to make proteins, and it is estimated by the Human Genome Project that we have between 20,000 and 25,000 genes. Learning has two main forms associative learning and observational learning. Current multicultural perspectives are MOST likely to focus on the: special external pressures faced by members of a culture. d. psychophysical. According to family systems theory, this family is characterized by: a. enmeshed structure. If a mother seems excessively involved in her child's life such that the two do not seem to be independent people, their relationship is said to be: Theory focused on the behaviors people exhibit and the thoughts they have is usually described as: Ashley is a pole-vaulter who is ready for her event. As a result, he developed a positive and generous attitude toward the world. Blaming You focus on someone else as the source of your negative feelings and do not take any responsibility for changing yourself. Finally, psychoanalytic treatment is expensive and time consuming, and since Freuds time, drug therapies have become more popular and successful. And if a nipple is placed in their mouth, they will also automatically suck via the sucking reflex. The three parts of personality generally work together well and compromise, leading to a healthy personality, but if the conflict is not resolved, intrapsychic conflicts can arise and lead to mental disorders. as part of their daily life and this can lead to disordered behavior (Lo & Cheng, 2014; Jones, Cross, & DeFour, 2007; Satcher, 2001), though some research suggests that ethnic identity can buffer against these stressors and protect mental health (Mossakowski, 2003). d. object relations theory. c. identify the client's unreasonable ideas and feelings. The medical model of mental illness treats mental disorders in the same way as a broken arm, i.e., there is thought to be a physical cause.. Why is this important to a discussion of psychopathology? The paradigm, or model, adopted by people in the Middle Ages to explain abnormal behavior was the _____ model. 117. d. projection. Solved which statement about catergorical vs dimensions | Chegg.com Abnormal behavior in the family causes an individual to develop dual personalities: one for the public and one for at home. c. Behavior that one group would classify as abnormal may be the norm in another group. This form of learning is called: a. shaping. Cognition-focused theorists would say that Johannahs depression results in large part from: Our attribution in these two cases is in error, but still, it comes to affect how we see the world and our subjective well-being. They were more likely to have suspect genetic variation at the same four chromosomal sites. She has developed depression due to a serotonin deficiency. Humanists would say that an individual who cares about others and who is spontaneous, courageous, and independent is: a. authentic. a. 84. Of course, most people do not experience this but instead are made to feel that they can only be loved and respected if they meet certain standards, called conditions of worth. a. cognitive b. humanistic c. psychodynamic d. rational emotive. This is called observational learning and is contrasted with enactive learning, which is learning by doing. Thoughts, as well as overt behaviors, are acquired and modified by various forms of conditioning. These two cases demonstrate what principle of developmental psychopathology? How so? They would salivate at the sound of a bell, footsteps in the hall, a tuning fork, or the presence of a lab assistant. Right? Our life instincts, or Eros, are manifested through it and are the creative forces that sustain life. Members of a family operate very independently of one another. b. modeling. They also focus on life-enhancing experiences like relationships, love, caring, commitment, courage, creativity, power, will, presence, spirituality, individuation, self-actualization, authenticity, acceptance, transcendence, and awe. For more information, please visit: https://www.psychologytoday.com/therapy-types/existential-therapy. It sends brief electrical currents through the brain, stimulating a seizure. In the past, we have conducted trephination and lobotomies, neither of which are used today. c. cognitive-behavioral therapy. c. They are only a problem when they reach consciousness. This should sound much like what you just read about in terms of Thorndikes work. This might even affect how you interact with them. Which form of therapy helps clients recognize errors in logic and try out new interpretations of events? d. known risk and protective factors. As fears can be learned, so too they can be unlearned. Next, the children are placed in a room with several toys in it. Don't worry. The psychologist who would MOST closely agree with this statement would be described as: a. behavioral. c. psychodynamic-gestalt. c. insert RNA into genes. We take the information just detected and use it to assign people to categories, or groups. a. cognitive therapy b. biological therapy c. psychodynamic therapy d. behavior therapy. This therapist is MOST likely a(n) _____ therapist. According to Freuds psychodynamic theory, at birth the child is in the: a. oral stage. Genes, Hormonal Imbalances, and Viral Infections. Evaluate the usefulness of psychodynamic theory. Chief among these are neurotransmitter imbalances. In Module 2, we first distinguished uni- and multi-dimensional models of abnormality and made a case that the latter was better to subscribe to. Figure 2.8. The biggest criticism of these models is that the concepts are abstract and fuzzy and so very difficult to research. When a young child yells and throws toys (i.e., throws a temper tantrum), the parents give the child a good deal of attention. 114. c. psychoanalysts. b. a severe mental illness and who is not a candidate for brain stimulation therapy. Some commonly used strategies include cognitive restructuring, cognitive coping skills training, and acceptance techniques. 66. 132. 153. c. psychoanalytic theory. Consider hunger, and the associated rumbling of our stomach, fatigue, lack of energy, etc., that motivates us to find and eat food. a. sociocultural b. biological c. cognitive d. demonological, 4. What is an important characteristic of group therapy? c. client-centered The _____ model of abnormality pays particular attention to the clients family structure, societal norms, and the clients roles in society. b. the pleasure principle. Whenever she has to attend a party, she only speaks to people she knows well. c. They explain outside influences and past events. They all attempt to explain the causes and treatments for all psychological illnesses, and all from a different approach. b. encourage clients to use spiritual resources that aid with coping. b. resistance. b. brain stimulation. c. who believe in a higher being are the healthiest. d. psychotropic treatment. a. 46. Men with mental illnesses are also less likely to have received mental health treatment than women in the past year. b. exposure d. the ways in which women express their femininity. A patient has loss of neurons in the cortex and the basal ganglia. c. rationalization. This approach stresses the need for people to re-create themselves continually and be self-aware, acknowledges that anxiety is a normal part of life, focuses on free will and self-determination, emphasizes that each person has a unique identity known only through relationships and the search for meaning, and finally, that we develop to our maximum potential. d. psychodynamic. Maybe I am not paid weekly now. d. genes. A reliance on medication for treatment and belief that psychological illness is much like physical illness. A) The humanistic-existential model B) The family-social perspective C) The cognitive model D) The psychodynamic model B The model of abnormality that focuses on the role of values and choices in behavior is the _____ model. Failure to treat many people with severe disturbances appropriately is MOST often a problem with which level of prevention? The drug addresses (corrects) the underlying biological reasons for alcohol abuse. Its key figures were Abraham Maslow, who proposed the hierarchy of needs, and Carl Rogers, who we will focus on here. b. a biological predisposition is the primary factor leading to abnormality. Why is the psychodynamic model difficult to research? Other examples of secondary reinforcers include praise, a smile, getting money for working or earning good grades, stickers on a board, points, getting to go out dancing, and getting out of an exam if you are doing well in a class. Dogs do not enter the world knowing to respond to the ringing of a bell (which it hears). Messages moving from neuron to neuron must cross tiny spaces called: Which model of abnormality focuses on learning and the thinking that underlies behavior? Hence, this phenomenon is called spontaneous recovery. Shonda responds by changing the subject. Release of neurotransmitters is stopped. In the classroom, we might use modeling to demonstrate to a student how to do a math problem. 47. d. humanists. d. displacement. b. electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). 62. The hope is that the client will engage in self-examination with acceptance and honesty. c. transference. The good thing is that what is learned can be unlearned or relearned through behavior modification, the process of changing behavior. Abnormal chemical activity in the bodys endocrine system relates to the release of: a. hormones. b. cognitive-behavioral Eventually, the response brought about by the sympathetic nervous system must end. Schemas and cognitive errors. d. understand how beliefs and values are related to behaviors. 147. A couple therapist who focuses on acceptance and positive change where possible is using _____ therapy. d. quaternary prevention. Show: All Cards 109 1 The earliest major psychological model of abnormal behavior was the cognitive model 2 Attempts to understand the biological basis of depression has linked it to imbalances in -norepinephrine and serotonin 3 Fannie goes to a humanist therapist. To be considered distinct from other conditions, a mental illness must have its own set of symptoms. What is that factor? Ashley is a pole-vaulter ready to go for her event. Brooklyn learns to turn on the TV by watching her older brother turn it on. The sociocultural model of abnormality focuses on all of these factors EXCEPT: Greshka spilled iced coffee on her shirt while sitting in the park. c. enmeshed. There is no individual model that completely explains human behavior and so each model contributes in its own way. No one form of couple therapy stands out as superior to others. Which conclusion can be drawn from this finding? c. extended psychoanalytic therapy. What form of psychotherapy is ChaeWoo receiving? a. existential b. humanistic c. sociocultural d. behavior-focused, 139. Regarding the finding that there are more seriously disturbed people within poor subpopulations, a multicultural theorist would focus on the way in which: a. personal responsibility is related to dysfunction. Think of it as an If-Then statement. 144. b. rationalization. a. very small; selectively b. large; selectively c. large; openly d. small; openly, 142. Chapter 3 Flashcards by Burton Dwight | Brainscape Finally, the individual either imagines (systematic) or experiences in real life (in-vivo) each object or scenario from the hierarchy and uses the relaxation technique while doing so. The Biological Model of Abnormality Chapter Exam - Study.com c. replace problematic behaviors with more appropriate ones. b. multicultural. Identify and define important neurotransmitters. MOST likely, this therapist is a _____ therapist. The use of these drugs has been generally beneficial to patients. Next, help the client stop thinking these thoughts and replace them with more rational ones. Evaluate the usefulness of the behavioral model. Panel A of Figure 2.6 shows the naturally occurring response to the stimulus of a loud sound. b. psychologically healthy people have more time and energy for religion. 106. Models of abnormality - Wikipedia The force that is in control in this example is the: Which model is MOST likely to suggest using free association to uncover unconscious processes? Thorndike also said that stimulus and responses were connected by the organism, and this led to learning. A patient has social anxiety disorder. A family systems theorist might suggest that Robin comes from a(n) _____ family. Just because there is a relationship between culture and a particular disorder, it does not mean that culture causes the disorder. d. catharsis. Their self-concept becomes distorted, now seen as having worth only when these significant others approve, leading to a disharmonious state and psychopathology. a. psychodynamic a. modeling. After several conditioning trials, the child responded with fear to the mere presence of the white rat (Panel C). The ego has a challenging job to fulfill, balancing both the will of the id and the superego, and the overwhelming anxiety and panic this creates. d. humanistic. For communication, decide if the problem is related to speaking, listening, or both and then develop a plan for use in various interpersonal situations. Which model emphasizes the importance of conditioning in determining human actions? 158. Each paradigm focuses mainly on one aspect of human functioning. 65. Hence, we advocate for a multi-dimensional and not a uni-dimensional model. d. free association. Notice when you are having a maladaptive cognition, such as making negative predictions. Figure out what is the worst thing that could happen and what alternative outcomes are possible. Evaluating the behavioral model. In this family, the children are also discouraged from asking for advice or seeking support. a. humanistic therapy. Nikolai runs past, grabs some of the cookies, and runs away. Both types of instincts are sources of stimulation in the body and create a state of tension that is unpleasant, thereby motivating us to reduce them.

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which statement is true regarding the models of abnormality?