dangerous superpowers

The ability to increase your luck is a sweet power in and of itself, so surrounding yourself with someone that can do just that is recommended. Whether you can form them at will or they're permanently attached, having weapons for hands is undoubtedly cool. Master Thievery? Also, they may have to fulfill certain conditions to actually gain other powers. In addition, Trainor can't sustain physical touch with any other human. The individuals wielding this power can use dust aura, dust blast, and can create a dust storm. Raven is also an empath, and she can be weakened and plagued by the emotional anguish she absorbs from others. This is one of the best powers because it would allow you to survive in pretty much any enviornment. Caustic Vision is really rare which automatically makes it unique. Notable Users: Doctor Psycho, Mastermind, Raz (Psychonauts). View Mobile Site Follow on IG . Fear me, for I am literally a tall glass of water! So while magic is awesome, it's not a power by our guidelines. Power: The ability to consume all matter in any form. Not a bad deal. Power: The ability to generate pheromones that affect the behavior of others. Being really, really good at something, like Green Arrow at archery, isn't enough. Can be sensory, a light or sound-based effect, or an alteration of mental perceptions. Just be careful who you share your inventions with. Born after Trigon sexually assaulted and impregnated her mother, Raven grew up living in an alternate dimension, where she learned to suppress her emotions to better control her demonic abilities. This power is actually quite powerful and only a handful of individuals have this power. Imagine being able to harness, say, the physical energy of someone running on a treadmill and convert it into nuclear energy? Power: The ability to control your metaphysical energies. Power: The ability to turn yourself into water. Throwing yourself in front of allies and civilians is now a reflexive action because there's no worry about your own safety. Jinping singlehandedly restarted the nuclear arms race that had been dormant for much of the 20th century. Gadgets and tech, like Batman's utility belt and Iron Man's armor, aren't special abilities, so Bruce and Tony will have to sit this one out. Experience the rush of accelerating to speeds so fast that you are nothing but a blur. Power: The ability to draw power from one's own self-confidence. Not only would you be immune to drowning, but you'd be able to explore the depths of the sea that have never been seen by mankind! Another superpower that is a little on the nose, but nonetheless is really cool and straightforward. Power: The ability to emit radiation from one's body. Too often superheroes resort to fisticuffs to solve problems, but having persuasion means that one could get the dirty work done with just their mind. Adorned with powerful armor and his demonic minions, he commands a dark power that predates the existenceof the universe itself. The users can create, shape, and manipulate ink change the color, and its consistency, it can also be tattooed, printed, or written without tools. Liz's dilemma, however, hinges on the "command" part. Notable Users: Dream Girl, Destiny, Johnny Smith (The Dead Zone). Notable Users: Zack Morris, Suzie & Jon, Tempus. Furthermore, they might have to carry out a related task before obtaining a certain language and some maybe need to learn the basics of grammar and semantics to fully utilize the learned language. In addition to writing pop culture lists, reviews and retrospectives, hes interviewed a host of celebrities including director John Carpenter, Mystery Science Theater 3000s Joel Hodgmen, and rocker Glenn Danzig. Power: Change yourself to look like any person or, in some cases, animal or object. They can steal physical objects without contact, can steal powers and physical attributes, and energies, and can break into any location. Feeding on life energy is sort of like being a leech of one's life force. The most enduring iteration of The Hulk is a being triggered by Banner's rage, making the meek scientist's daily existence an exercise in dread, forever having to keep his emotions in check. So how awesome would it be to surprise your enemies on the east coast with a sudden earthquake underneath their feet? Forget the obvious benefits to having this ability -- which would eliminate the need for dieting, so bring on the cookies. If youre interested in more superpowers-related lists, check out our list of most useless superpowers powers too! This mental weight forever plagues Banner, leaving him trapped in a tortured existence. They also can detect vibrations of multiple different forces. One of Doomsday's most useful abilities is an adaptation ability. ), or getting winning lottery numbers Time travel is one of the greatest fantasies of all, opening the entire span of world history as your playground. Only known bearers of this power are Dan Mcninja fromDr. Mcninja and The Acharis from The Neverending Story. But when it comes to your superheroing career, it means you'd always have a leg-up on your opponents. Reed Richards from the Fantastic Four and Plastic Man are essentially fully functional Stretch Armstrongs. You will go unnoticed as you listen in on conversations, avoid someone who is after you, or walk into movie theaters without paying! They developed their thieving skills so much that they are regularly putting master robbers in the average pickpockets tier. Density Control The best way to shut down an opponent's power is to immobilize them completely, which is exactly where a paralysis ability could come in handy. This probably looks very cool, but simply creating a rainbow isnt that useful. 8/15 Shape-Shifting. This one is pretty cool too. Two licenses for the LOWEST price.This limited lifetime license includes the full suite of Microsoft Office, from the dreaded Excel to the idea-sparking PowerPoint. It's even better if your phasing extends to the people you are phsyically touching! While being an empath is most certainly a tough life to lead, feeling everyone's emotional highs and lows, empaths also make for powerful allies. All of that mundane stuff is possible with the Power Cosmic, not to mention transmuting elements, hyperspace travel, and knowing all knowledge in the universe. Users of these skills are so great atstealing that they can steal more than just physical items. Whether it's the good ol' Jedi Mind Trick or just a skill to modify your Diplomacy in D&D, the power of persuasion is all-powerful. In the world of fiction, superpowers have a nearly inexhaustible number of uses, whether it be to fight other rogue superhumans, or to transcend the limits of their own body and world to ascend to a higher plane of existence. When David was young, he was the survivor of a terrorist attack. Also, some energies are too powerful for supernatural thieves and can destroy them if they try to steal them. Notable Users: Nick Scryer (Psi-Ops), Luke Skywalker, Carrie, Notable Users: Luke Cage, The Tick, Supergirl. Superpowers range from improving oneself way past peak human potential, to influencing and manipulating concepts on a universal scale. Without getting into the similarities between his weapon and the . He obtains a sample of the previous Clayface Matt Hagen's blood, isolating an enzyme thathe thinks can cure his condition. Doomsday can adapt to nearly any attack or power, even if it destroys him. Notable Users: Abe (Oddworld), Wario, Fartman (Howard Stern). Notable Users: Katara, Linderman (Heroes), Triage. Certainly not the most attractive super power, but being able to stretch your body into unnatural shapes is certainly cool. Thats how Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender moves during her duels with Aang and the others. But it's not just evil dudes and dudettes that have had electrical powers even Superman was electric for a while! Unsurprisingly, Payne snaps. Still really awesome, but if you're looking to bring back loved ones from the dead, this probably isn't the way to do it (see also: dressing up like a bat and enacting vengeance). Each power attempts to expand into systems, extracting resources from them in order to pay for continued expansion and protect systems already being exploited. Second of all, if you do have the superpower of making people annoyed, you may be slightly effective against villains, but you are also going to work mostly alone. Most notable bearers of this superpower are Big Bertha from Marvel Comics, Akimichi Clan from Naruto, Kirio Hikifune from Bleach, Buyon and Fat Buu from Dragon Ball Z, Bouncing Boy from DC Comics, and Alvida from One Piece. It has similarities with heat vision, but its use is more for cutting solid objects and dealing damage. Or seeing what your grandkids will look like in the future, even if you're only 30. He's forced to create an exoskeleton to keep his liquid form contained and prevent him from touching anyone. Power: The ability to control Earth elements like dirt and rocks. You got it! This one is pretty unique. And while the powers they're endowedwith (super strength, flight, invulnerability, etc.) If you don't mind hopping on your right leg for a while, you can beat your opponent senseless with your left one. Manipulating gravity means you could make things levitate, akin to Luke using the Force; you could get objects from across the room without getting up and freak out your friends. The most dangerous superpower in 21st century is undoubtedly CHina. After emerging from the coma, David began amassing more personalities, each infused with its own superpower. Notable Users: James Heller (Prototype 2), Carnage, Sandman. But nothing compares to the unnamed teenage mutant in Ultimate X-Men# 41. Notable users include Kryptonians like Superman and Supergirl from DC Comics, Cole McGrath from Infamous game, Doctor Nemesis from Marvel Comics, Javik from Mass Effect games, and Drummer from Wildstorm. Less selfishly, you could also cure droughts, famine, and prevent most natural disasters. If unchecked, one could wind up leveling Neo-Tokyo (thanks, Akira). Turning your skin to steel is basically the equivalent of a turtle hiding inside its shell, except you can still move around and deliver awesome fastball specials. She's a survivor, forever hoping to keep her power (and sense of guilt) in check in order to avoid any future horrors. Some might see eternal life as a curse, but being immortal could be a great gift to humanity. The Marvel mutantcan project an impenetrable force field that makes him impossible to harm. This power gives bearers a headache but is very cool they can discern every past event that happened in history. Naturally, they come with their tropes, some easier to spot than others, like superpowers manifesting around puberty or during an event that caused great trauma, superpowers growing stronger or being easier to control through training, superpowers reflecting the physical characteristics or personality of a character, etc. The Boss. Its great for sneak attacks and already mentioned melting through solid objects like cars, buildings, and machines. Power: The ability to comprehend any and all languages. Green Lantern's ring has long been touted as "the most powerful weapon in the universe," and with good reason. He reaches for the hand of fellow mutant Laurie Collins, only to watch her flesh turn corpse-like (he stops soon enough before his necrotic abilities extend beyond her wrist). For browsing all powers/abilities that have been archived, click here. And gross. Phasing through walls, floors, closed doors, and gigantic cosmic bullets can come in handy in your life as a superhero. We should note that there's a key difference between summoning the dead and resurrecting the dead: "summoning" merely reanimates corpses to a zombie-like state, effectively giving you an army of undead at your disposal. They can look for anomalies in genetic structure, which of course means they can look for diseases and other anomalies. Just put your fists on your hips and puff your chest out, because you know what? Having the ability to alter the atomic make-up of anything on the planet means that the world would literally be at your disposal. Power: The ability to stretch one's body like rubber. With that criteria in mind, here's our list of the 15 most horrifying superpowers around. Yes, they can project everything from blood to, you guessed it, tears. This superpower is really cool. Ever wanted to be in two (or six) places at once? Users of this power have a really good sense of touch, allowing them to detect specific individuals, objects, substances, or even places. Larry Trainor was a test pilot who was accidentally exposed to a large amount of radiation while on a test flight. Best of all, never be late for work again! Most of us wish we had better control of our inner mojo, but for people like Iron Fist, he doesn't have to wish. Not only would this power (presumably) give you a natural understanding of complicated subway lines, but it also lets you draw increased strength and speed from the cityscape. Oh, Maggot. Whatever the situation, you'll evolve to survive it. Disadvantages: Invisibility's all very well but if you're not quiet and agile as well, don't bother. All in all, the concept of superpowers is very widespread in our world today, having influenced millions of people and will be continuing to do so for years to come. You'd basically be Neo but outside of the Matrix. Slow Falling: This power is not the same as flying; it is the ability to adjust how fast one actually falls. When you don the Tanooki Suit as Mario, you know the level is about to be a breeze as you expertly cruise over enemies and obstacles. Or do you need to infiltrate a secret base? ; The Empire. The user has the ability to invoke a presence or strength of government over a large radius, ranging from small villages to entire worlds and to create mass authority, subjugation, social order and an absolute reign. Note: This list doesn't include every power/ability that exists or is archived on this wiki. Superpower Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. We judged each power on the following criteria: With that out of the way, read on for the 100 coolest super powers of all time! Of course, there are limitations cant emulate powers or abilities, in some cases the range is the problem as well since there is a possibility that a user can only gain that knowledge by a touch. Super powers are inherent to comic books, so a lot of our picks were culled from there, but there are also plenty to consider from video games, TV, and movies. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. The power to mimic other powers is quite freeing if you're worried about being locked into just one power. Gotham and Gotham Girl paid actual money for their metahuman gifts, although the verdict on who and how has yet to be revealed (Hugo Strange is a rumored possibility). Tell us in the comments! Labs scientist with amedical condition known as hyperpituitarism. An element such as wind is not usually used or created from eyes we know airbenders from Avatar and other fictional characters who are creating wind from the air, their hands, and more. On the other hand, if someone doesnt have this power at a certain level, theyre just going to make their opponent mildly anxious, which most bad guys should be able to fight through. (This being a Marvel character, however,she's been resurrected many times over.). Limitations are quite obvious you know when you dry your hair at high temperatures and it already smells like something has burned? Your hand-crafted suit will help you soar through the air, dodge incoming fire, and hover above your enemies. It says something to Hulk's character that he generally seeks solitude and peace, only lashing out when he feels threatened. This tragedy leads Sherman to the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense, where a shadowy government organization helps her to partiallycontrol her powers, which she then puts to good use fighting dangerous paranormal phenomena alongside teammates Hellboy and Abe Sapien. They'll likely know your feelings better than you do. So, without wasting any time, lets start! Fake Name Generator. Easy: Ask the victim, case closed. Capabilities of this power include increasing and decreasing the amount, placement, type of the fat (white/brown adipose tissue), energy-storing efficiency, and others. Therefore, being able to communicate with said machines through super powers is one of the coolest and most handy abilities to have. Sadly, her survival brings only tragedy afterher powers begin corrupting her personality, resulting in anew persona altogether: the Dark Phoenix. Notable Users: Sub-Zero (Mortal Kombat), Iceman, Elsa. It's a fatal mistake. There are a lot of variations of this power, but its really cool. The uses of telepathy can be far more intrusive than that, however. If the person is not invulnerable, there is a risk of serious damage that a flyer can inflict oneself if they hit an obstacle. Power: The ability to shoot golden balls out of one's body. Notable Users: Magneto, Cosmic Boy, Polaris. Her destructive powers result in the destructionof a far off galaxy's solar system. And it's not, really, but it is damn useful. Someone who is the best at being a thief is just really good at stealing stuff. You'd never miss an appointment, and bad guys would be hard pressed to take you one-on-one in a fight. The bearer of the Darkness has at his or her disposal the legions of Darklings, which they can use to utterly destroy their enemies. Uses for this skill are numerous and will certainly help keep anyone alive trying to escape dangerous situations. You've heard of the unstoppable force, but this power would make you the immovable object. Its a defensive power if it props up waning confidence in a team, but that could also just get them killed because they arent thinking strategically. Maximum Overdrive 2 Updates: Will The Stephen King Sequel Happen? Being untouchable has its drawbacks. JinKo82 Apr 17, 2017 @ 11:04am. Unlocking DANGEROUS SUPERPOWERS in 12 Locks! Why does it work? The power to make you think things are going to turn out for the best is only harmful if its delusionalwalking off this cliff will turn out well, for example. For example, some do it through touch, which requires close contact, while others can simply observe and copy. Power: The ability to heal the wounds of those around you. More precisely, users of this power literally give themselves powers. Notable Users: Sindel (Mortal Kombat), Venom, Medusa. Hours of use equalsyears off their lifespan. Category page. Some notable users include Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls, Doctor Destiny from DC Comics, and Orochimaru from Naruto. If you've got to choose between super maggots, gold balls, and explosive farts, it stands to reason that explosive farts is by far the coolest power. This power is a sub-power to Dust Manipulation and a variation of Earth Generation. Power: The ability to instantly adapt to any environment. In a battle scenario where there are explosions and such, converting that sound energy into flashbangs could give you one heck of a tactical advantage. I know that an anxiety attack is a real thing that has real consequences and that giving one to an opponent is a useful disabling technique. It has to surpass normal human capabilities. Fantastic, Plastic Man, Mrs. Also, there's definitely different levels of "dangerous".. How does this work? You can also use this power to catch a toad leaping at you, bend spoons, and snag the last Oreo before your roommate. Notable fictional characters with this superpower are Prodigy and Protege from Marvel Comics, Shapeshifters and Leviathans from Supernatural, Adam from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Desmond Miles from Assassins Creed. Even in his monstrous form, Banner is still trying to break through, butit's the eternal conflictthat makesthe character so powerful -- and tragic. Now that's a super power. are fairly rote comic book material, the way they gained them is a far cry from the norm. Not only is it probably endlessly amusing, eating a greasy meal before a big fight would actually be considered a boon rather that a detriment. But also, free movies! Notable Users: Storm, Weather Wizard, Rain (Mortal Kombat). Most notable users of this power are airbenders for Avatar and The Legends of Korra, Baki and Yuujiro from Baki the Grappler, Deathstroke from DC Comics, Daredevil, and Captain America from Marvel Comics, and Wilt from Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends. Power: Transform sound frequencies into forms of light. This superpower category implies that the user can craft any item, such as forging powerful weapons. Elite Dangerous > General Discussions > Topic Details. While this power makes him an invaluable team member, the ability has a pretty significant downside. Whether that's good or bad is up to you. Sign me up. Why is it different from just being able to control minds? Plus, your hair will always be perfectly slicked back with just the right amount of moisture. In the meantime, you can also generate the superpowers, just enter the quantity you want to generate and choose whether duplicate or not. Notable Users: Hiro Nakamura (Heroes), The Prince (Prince of Persia), Notable Users: Kain (Soul Reaver), Vandal Savage, Notable Users: Galactus, Phantom Stranger. While there are some unfortunate cases -- like Cyclops's inability to contain his energy blasts without the help of special lenses -- in general we think is a good power to have. Control over your Chi means you've got the ability to physically manifest all of your inner strength and willpower. You can take it. Marvel Calls Out Its Fans For Their Silliest Avengers Debate, Why The Family Chantel Fans Can't Stand Chantel Jimeno, One Piece Just Made a Major Mistake By Making Luffy's New Dream a Mystery, 90 Day Fianc: Are Kim & Usman Still Together In 2022? This means that it's impossible to defeat or battle Doomsday the same way twice. Limitations are distance and all in all the knowledge of the bearer. And the use of these powers takes a toll: continued implementation of their abilities significantly shortens their life expectancy. Scarlet Witch once declared "No more mutants" and mutant-kind disappeared from the Earth. What is the most dangerous superpower? Cyclops's signature move is a blast of red energy from his ruby quartz visor. While this ultimately gives her some amazing powers to fight evil with, it's not so great for her personal life.

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