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[233][234][235] Around February 2017, the CIA was instructed to halt military aid to Syrian rebels (Free Syrian Army or FSA), which also included training, ammunition, guided missiles, and salaries. In 1997 the House would pen another report, which said that CIA officers know little about the language or politics of the people they spy on; the conclusion was that the CIA lacked the "depth, breadth, and expertise to monitor political, military, and economic developments worldwide. Used to synchronise data for targeted ads with third party systems. Under CIA Director Allen Dulles, Operation Ajax was put into motion. The Student Organizations Coordinating Council (SOCC), is the central body of all recognized organizations of the university. Even if the Japs are savages, ruthless, merciless and fanatic, we as the leader of the world for the common welfare cannot drop that terrible bomb on the old capital [Kyoto] or the new [Tokyo]. [485][486], After it was revealed that People's Liberation Army regimental commander Qi Fabao was chosen as a torchbearer for the 2022 Winter Olympics, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi stated in a media briefing that "It is indeed regrettable that the Chinese side has chosen to politicise an event like the Olympics". The varsity sports teams, originally called the "Glowing Goldies", have since been renamed as the "Growling Tigers" beginning the 19921993 UAAP season. The Directorate of Analysis, through much of its history known as the Directorate of Intelligence (DI), is tasked with helping "the President and other policymakers make informed decisions about our country's national security" by looking "at all the available information on an issue and organiz[ing] it for policymakers". The report concluded that former DCI George Tenet failed to adequately prepare the agency to deal with the danger posed by al-Qaeda prior to the attacks of September 11, 2001. According to unnamed CIA sources, while first responders, military personnel and volunteers were conducting rescue efforts at the World Trade Center site, a special CIA team was searching the rubble for both digital and paper copies of classified documents. [327] Following the talks, it was reported that Chinese vehicles were seen withdrawing from the Galwan clash point, as well as from Hot Springs and Gogra. Sun Weidong Gave Interview to Press Trust of India on Galwan Valley Incident", "What Are Chinese Saying About the Deadly Sino-Indian Border Clash? Huawei bags Airtel contract", "Chinese apps news: Defying ban, Chinese apps quietly grow in India, again", "We ought to clarify our stance on Chinese apps", "Boycott China manifests! The DNI manages the United States Intelligence Community and in so doing it manages the intelligence cycle. Additional clashes also took place at locations in eastern Ladakh along Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs; Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs; Agency Financial Reports Form Finder Organization Chart Plans, Performance, Budget Assistant Secretary Stewart Travels to Japan and the Republic of It is one of the oldest continuing press in the world today, only next to Cambridge University in England. Should we continue to fight, not only would it result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization. [citation needed], This became the Family Jewels. [9], UST alumni and faculty include 11 catholic saints, 2 cardinals, 4 presidents of the Philippines, 9 chief justices, 20 national artists, a national scientist, and 5 billionaires. [28] During the quadricentennial celebration in 2011, Pope Benedict XV sent a special envoy and gave a video message. [87] The UST Elementary School used to offer primary education for children in the K-12 levels,[88] but stopped accepting applications for the K-Level sometime in the 2010s. "We're looking at chat rooms and things that didn't exist five years ago, and trying to stay ahead. The division lasted only a few months. Intelligence primarily came from the Office of Reports and Estimates, which drew its reports from a daily take of State Department telegrams, military dispatches, and other public documents. [572] In a previous commentary in early July, EFSAS stated that China should realise that if it forces India into a corner, India will join "the ever-growing comity of nations that seek to compel China to adhere to the norms of the international order and abide by the rule of law", irrespective of India wanting or not wanting to walk down that path. Among the functions that moved to the DNI were the preparation of estimates reflecting the consolidated opinion of the 16 IC agencies, and preparation of briefings for the president. [190] According to Indian media sources, the mle resulted in 43 Chinese casualties. The women's teams are called the "Tigresses", while the juniors' (high school) teams are the "Tiger Cubs". As a principal member of the United States Intelligence Community (IC), the CIA reports to the Director of National Intelligence and is primarily focused on providing intelligence for the President and Cabinet of the United States. [296] Jaishankar accused the Chinese actions in Galwan to be "pre-meditated and planned". The rest sites planned including Hond Shopping Street, Motomachi No.2 Army Hospital site, Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital[ja], Fukuromachi Elementary School[ja], Hiroshima City Hall[ja] and Hiroshima Station. Established in January 1928 by students from the UST Literary Club led by Jose Villa Panganiban, it is the oldest Catholic newspaper in the Philippines. He was confirmed to be 3km (1.9mi) from ground zero in Hiroshima on a business trip when the bomb was detonated. The ID is used for targeted ads. [67] The campus first broke ground on April 19, 2006, which was led by then university rector Tamerlane Lana and attended by UST board member and tycoon Lucio Tan. [204] The clouds and smoke resulted in 70 percent of the area over Kokura being covered, obscuring the aiming point. Kyoto has the advantage of the people being more highly intelligent and hence better able to appreciate the significance of the weapon. [337] Such ordinary fission bombs would henceforth be regarded as small tactical nuclear weapons. [141], Sometime between 1959 and 1961, the CIA started Project Tiger, a program of dropping South Vietnamese agents into North Vietnam to gather intelligence. Tim Winer. Except for Enola Gay, none of the 393d's B-29s had yet had names painted on the noses, a fact which Laurence himself noted in his account. [118][119][120][121] The operation saw the CIA engage in an extensive campaign of terrorist attacks against civilians and economic targets, killing significant numbers of civilians, and carry out covert operations against the Cuban government. [9][failed verification] The CIA serves as the national manager for the coordination of HUMINT activities across the U.S. intelligence community. [189] Since there was no indication of Japan surrendering,[188] they decided to proceed with dropping another bomb. [467][468], By March 2021, Huawei was back into the Indian market with another deal worth 300 crore (US$38million) from Bharti Airtel. Timothy Franz Geithner (/ a t n r /; born August 18, 1961) is a former American central banker who served as the 75th United States Secretary of the Treasury under President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2013. To force Slobodan Miloevi to withdraw his troops from Kosovo, the CIA had been invited to provide military targets for bombings, wherein the agency's analysts used tourist maps to determine the location. [5] It has 26 programs recognized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as Centers of Excellence and Centers of Development, ranking second in the country and first among private educational institutions. [citation needed]. [57], The 1943 Quebec Agreement merged the nuclear weapons projects of the United Kingdom and Canada, Tube Alloys and the Montreal Laboratory, with the Manhattan Project,[58][59] under the direction of Major General Leslie R. Groves, Jr., of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In the early part of the pandemic, the study recommended the need to increase the daily testing capacity that would potentially control the outbreak. [130] They also developed an epidemiological model, UST CoV-2 Model, which released COVID-19 cases and death projections in Metro Manila. [1][2] On 28 September 2020, the Defence Acquisition Council, Ministry of Defence, under fast-tracked procurement, ordered an additional 72,400 SIG 716 for troops in Ladakh; the first batch of SIGs had been ordered in 2019 and have already been delivered to the army. It was unappreciated at the time but the average radiation dose that would kill approximately 50 percent of adults (the LD50) was approximately halved; that is, smaller doses were made more lethal when the individual experienced concurrent blast or burn polytraumatic injuries. [242], Calling an imperial conference required the signatures of the prime minister and the two service chiefs, but the Chief Cabinet Secretary Hisatsune Sakomizu had already obtained signatures from Toyoda and General Yoshijir Umezu in advance, and he reneged on his promise to inform them if a meeting was to be held. One problem, for example, was the FBI failing to "connect the dots" by sharing information among its decentralized field offices. Less than a week after his New York Times story was published, Lawrence also backtracked and dismissed the reports on radiation sickness as Japanese efforts to undermine American morale. The closest links of the U.S. IC to other foreign intelligence agencies are to Anglophone countries: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. [212] A postmortem of the intelligence failures in the lead up to Iraq led by former DDCI Richard Kerr would conclude that the CIA had been a casualty of the Cold War, wiped out in a way "analogous to the effect of the meteor strikes on the dinosaurs. The rector is the chief executive officer of the university. Rumsfeld asked Bush if he could bring DCI Tenet into the loop, to which Bush agreed. He went on to become bishop of Nueva Segovia and was promoted archbishop of Manila in 1601. Chinese troop fully moved out of the clash site, along with thinning down of troops at Hot Springs and Gogra. [369] In other diplomatic statements, on 8 September and then again on 13 October,[370] China repeated that they have never recognized the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. Il mondo ha scelto Timor, in, De Vanna, Umberto. The ID is used to allow targeted ads. [25] In 1974, then prince Juan Carlos I of Spain visited UST and was conferred doctor of laws honoris causa and the title Royal Patron, as a revival of the tradition dating back to 1680 when King Charles II of Spain was named the first patron. The facility was established in 1951 and has been used by the CIA since at least 1955. 19 October 2020:1 captured (later released)[32] Franck then took the report to Washington, D.C., where the Interim Committee met on 21 June to re-examine its earlier conclusions; but it reaffirmed that there was no alternative to the use of the bomb on a military target. Be careful what you wish for". Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels. [221], The tiger statue in Plaza Mayor, which was installed in 2022, gained media attention when it transformed into a wishing well as students filled its open mouth with coins. The atomic bomb was not mentioned in the communiqu. [142], In the face of the failure of Project Tiger, the Pentagon wanted CIA paramilitary forces to participate in their Op Plan 64A. [106][107], The academic year is divided into 2 terms. [586], Chinese state media have given little to no attention to the dispute and have downplayed the clashes. Millions of dollars were spent in these efforts. The war in the European theatre concluded when Germany surrendered on 8 May 1945, and the Allies turned their full attention to the Pacific War. The 509th Composite Group, 20th Air Force will deliver its first special bomb as soon as weather will permit visual bombing after about 3 August 1945 on one of the targets: Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata and Nagasaki. Previously, the marking of NOFORN (i.e., No Foreign Nationals) required the originator to specify which, if any, non-U.S. countries could receive the information. [191] Despite the fact that the 9/11 attacks may have damaged the CIA's New York branch, and they had to loan office space from the US Mission to the United Nations and other federal agencies, there was an upside for the CIA. Moreover, Doug MacEachin, the CIA's Chief of Soviet analysis, said that even if the CIA had told the President, the NSC, and Congress about the cuts beforehand, it would have been ignored. By 1986, the United States had 23,317 nuclear weapons and the Soviet Union had 40,159. Each branch of the military service has its own Director. [151] The main library is located in a six-storey building along Alberto Drive. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum was opened in 1955 in the Peace Park. The uprising against the Maronite minority blindsided the CIA. [155] In 2017, the conservation efforts continued with Semper Lumina (always the light). ", "Fifty Years for the Peace Memorial Museum", "Historians: Soviet offensive, key to Japan's WWII surrender, was eclipsed by A-bombs", "Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki" "An ethical standard common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages", "Here's how many nuclear warheads exist, and which countries own them", "Global Nuclear Arsenal Declines, But Future Cuts Uncertain Amid U.S.-Russia Tensions", "Nuclear weapons: Which countries have them and how many are there? [84], In 1951, Mohammad Mosaddegh, a member of the National Front, was elected Iranian prime-minister. The meeting ended at 17:30, with no decision having been reached. Maintains settings and outputs when using the Developer Tools Console on current session. [48][49] The Quadricentennial Pavilion was the venue of the CNN Philippines vice-presidential debates in 2016 and vice-presidential and presidential debates in 2022. When Sweeney's aircraft arrived at the assembly point for his flight off the coast of Japan, Big Stink failed to make the rendezvous. These instruments also contained an unsigned letter to Professor Ryokichi Sagane, a physicist at the University of Tokyo who studied with three of the scientists responsible for the atomic bomb at the University of California, Berkeley, urging him to tell the public about the danger involved with these weapons of mass destruction. [61][294] All these talks were unsuccessful. [239] At Los Alamos, technicians worked 24 hours straight to cast another plutonium core. [311][346] Following the 14-hour talks, a joint statement was released, which included both sides having agreed to "stop sending more troops to the frontline". [460] By 15 October, the Indian government had put restrictions on more imports from China including television sets, tyres and air conditioners. [238], Other changes which were announced include the formation of a Talent Development Center of Excellence, the enhancement and expansion of the CIA University and the creation of the office of the Chancellor to head the CIA University to consolidate and unify recruitment and training efforts. Outside the center, the area was congested by a dense collection of small timber workshops set among Japanese houses. Three days later, the CIA reported to the White House that the Indonesian Army's actions against the CIA-supported revolution were suppressing communism. After 9/11, the CIA came under criticism for not having done enough to prevent the attacks. [392] Col. Shukla and other Indian veterans strongly criticised the Indian Prime Ministers statement of June 2020 when Narendra Modi said that there are no Chinese on Indian territory and never have been. [45][164] Indian troops have put up barbed wire obstacles around positions. "[82] China has since increased its military presence in the Tibetan Plateau. [279] Commentators are pointing out that this is becoming or has already become a war of attrition;[280] this includes Yun Sun, a China specialist at the Stimson Center,[281] and Srikanth Kondapalli, a professor of Chinese studies at JNU. [344] On 21 September, the sixth commander-level meeting took place at Chushul-Moldo BPM. The DOD was eavesdropping on Kissinger. [16], On 15 June 1945, a study by the Joint War Plans Committee,[17] who provided planning information to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, estimated that Olympic would result in 130,000 to 220,000 U.S. casualties, with U.S. dead in the range from 25,000 to 46,000. "Covert action programs," including a variety of activities such as the CIA's drone fleet and anti-Iranian nuclear program activities, accounts for $2.6billion. It is the main campus of the University of Santo Tomas System that is run by the Order of Preachers.[4]. [166] CIA officers were barred from meeting Solidarity leaders, and the CIA's contacts with Solidarnosc activists were weaker than those of the AFLCIO, which raised 300 thousand dollars from its members, which were used to provide material and cash directly to Solidarity, with no control of Solidarity's use of it. [584] Hindustan Times noted that most of the psy-ops tactics utilised by the PLA during the Doklam stand-off are being seen here again. Dumping in this sector is being scrutinized. [citation needed], On June 17, Nixon's Plumbers were caught burglarizing the DNC offices in the Watergate. [274] Conventional skin injuries that cover a large area frequently result in bacterial infection; the risk of sepsis and death is increased when a usually non-lethal radiation dose moderately suppresses the white blood cell count. Because the flying squadrons of the group consisted of both bomber and transport aircraft, the group was designated as a "composite" rather than a "bombardment" unit. [197] The Masters in Human Resource Management was ranked 20th in Far East Asia and 3rd in the Philippines. There were also many improvements to their performance that had been suggested or recommended, but that had not been possible under the pressure of wartime development. He had witnessed four B-29s crash and burn at takeoff, and feared that a nuclear explosion would occur if a B-29 crashed with an armed Little Boy on board. [34][35] The facility works in partnership with the National Intelligence University, and includes the Sherman Kent School for Intelligence Analysis, the Directorate of Analysis' component of the university. [75] Despite the disputes, skirmishes, and standoffs, no incidence of gunshots being fired had been reported between the two countries along the border for over 50 years, due an agreement by both sides that guns were not to be used;[76] however this changed on 7 September, when warning shots were fired. program offered by the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery is a four-year post-graduate degree that consists of three years of academic instruction in the medical school and one year of clinical clerkship in the UST Hospital. [181] While soldiers carry firearms, due to decades of tradition designed to reduce the possibility of an escalation, agreements disallowed usage of firearms, but the Chinese side was reported to possess iron rods, clubs and batons wrapped in barbed wire and clubs embedded with nails. Sign up to receive our daily live coverage schedule and selected video clips. The goal is to keep youth in their community living in a healthy family unit until they can be reunited with their natural family, adopted, or learn to live independently. Unknown number of soldiers, claimed to be numerous, who were pushed or fell to their deaths over steep cliff edges. According to its fiscal 2013 budget, the CIA has five priorities:[3]. [34][22] CIA University holds between 200 and 300 courses each year, training both new hires and experienced intelligence officers, as well as CIA support staff. [43][44] TARC is home to the Graduate School. In addition to its authorized strength, the 509th had attached to it on Tinian 51 civilian and military personnel from Project Alberta,[70] known as the 1st Technical Detachment. This cookie is used to identify the frequency of visits and how long the visitor is on the website. In the first days of George W. Bush's presidency, Al Qaeda threats were ubiquitous in daily presidential CIA briefings, but it may have become a case of false alarm. It works with information technology infrastructure and practices cyber tradecraft. On 6 May the support elements sailed on the SS Cape Victory for the Marianas, while group materiel was shipped on the SS Emile Berliner. [476] Total trade between the countries in 2021 crossed USD 125 billion. Most CIA stations had two station chiefs, one working for the OSO, and one working for the OPC. [53] The underground system covers 7 street zones that can hold 11.25 million liters of water. The nuclear test was New Delhi's calculated response to Pakistan previously testing new missiles in its expanding arsenal. The fighting, which took place in near-total darkness, lasted for up to six hours. [384] On 24 June 2020, disengagement in general was again agreed upon. [454] Amidst the border situation in early August, the premier cricket league in India, Indian Premier League (IPL), decided to retain Chinese sponsors including the title sponsor VIVO. Used to detect if the visitor has accepted the marketing category in the cookie banner. It is the highest grant given by CHED, which allows universities to implement programs and increase tuition fees with less government regulation. Sets a unique ID for the session. [70] The construction of the first building in the campus, the USTDr. The Fat Man weapon, containing a core of about 5kg (11lb) of plutonium, was dropped over the city's industrial valley. [244][245], As part of its mandate to gather intelligence, the CIA is looking increasingly online for information, and has become a major consumer of social media. General MacArthur found the reporting to have turned from good PR into bad PR and threatened to court martial the entire group. An atomic bomb was an intricate device, still in the developmental stage. The CIA would see another setback as communists would take Angola. [114] Another part of the contracting problem comes from Congressional restrictions on the number of employees within the IC. [78][79], On 30 May, Stimson asked Groves to remove Kyoto from the target list due to its historical, religious and cultural significance, but Groves pointed to its military and industrial significance. [91], MIT professor, Taylor Fravel, said that the skirmishes were a response from China to the development of Indian infrastructure in Ladakh, particularly along the DarbukShyokDBO Road. In El Filibusterismo (1891 novel), Father Millon and Placido Penitente are a professor and a student in the university respectively. Australia and India signed a similar Mutual Logistics Support Agreement (MLSA) on 4 June 2020. A medical team from a naval hospital reached the city in the evening, and fire-fighting brigades from the neighboring towns assisted in fighting the fires. The Tigers, led by Renzo Subido and Soulemane Chabi Yo, swept the Kobe Paras-led UP Fighting Maroons in two games to face the Ateneo Blue Eagles in the finals. Wright and Shockley spoke with Colonels James McCormack and Dean Rusk, and examined casualty forecasts by Michael E. DeBakey and Gilbert Beebe. [313] On 24 March 2009, the Japanese government officially recognized Tsutomu Yamaguchi as a double hibakusha. Bagchi also stated that the charg d'affaires of the Embassy of India in Beijing will not attend the opening or closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics, thus resulting in India effectively announcing a diplomatic boycott of the Olympics. The PLA Western Theatre Command spokesperson also claimed the Indian Army had crossed the LAC to enter the "Shenpao mountain region". [72], The ground support echelon of the 509th Composite Group moved by rail on 26 April 1945, to its port of embarkation at Seattle, Washington. [106] The CIA decided to attempt another military coup in Indonesia, where the Indonesian military was trained by the US, had a strong professional relationship with the US military, had a pro-American officer corps that strongly supported their government, and a strong belief in civilian control of the military, instilled partly by its close association with the US military. Sign Up [268], Persons affiliated to the university, either as students, faculty members, or administrators, are known as "Thomasians". [99] Phunchok Stobdan, a former diplomat of India, stated that "smaller powers like India and Australia, who have aligned with the US, are witnessing a more aggressive China". [75], The early track record of the CIA was poor, with the agency unable to provide sufficient intelligence about the Soviet takeovers of Romania and Czechoslovakia, the Soviet blockade of Berlin, and the Soviet atomic bomb project. The reports described movement of troops, heavy vehicles and military equipment. Scholars have extensively studied the effects of the bombings on the social and political character of subsequent world history and popular culture, and there is still much debate concerning the ethical and legal justification for the bombings. [72] The Chinese version of the LAC mostly consists of claims in the Ladakh region, but China also claims Arunachal Pradesh in northeast India. [518], Small-scale protests against China's actions along the Indo-China border were held in Canada, the United States and Japan. [242], The Faculty of Civil Law and Faculty of Medicine and Surgery had several Greek organizations on campus, but in 2018, following the death of civil law student Horacio Castillo III, the UST Office of Student Affairs suspended the recognition of all fraternities and sororities. On the contrary, it would make the Japanese ready to interfere with an atomic attack if they could. [209], Repercussions from the IranContra affair arms smuggling scandal included the creation of the Intelligence Authorization Act in 1991. The documentary included images from hospitals showing the human effects of the bomb; it showed burned-out buildings and cars, and rows of skulls and bones on the ground. [410] While lightweights tanks for Ladakh has been noted since 2009, the 2020 China tensions created a sense of urgency. Cash was then distributed to Catholic Action, the Vatican's political arm, and directly to Italian politicians. [392] He gave the example of Gogra, where the Chinese intruded 4km into Indian territory and pulled back 2km while the other 2km have become a buffer zone. "One BSF jawan was injured in an IED blast near Markanar village under Koylibeda PS limit," said Shalabh Sinha, Superintendent of Police (SP), Kanker. The Japanese government has recognized about 650,000 people as hibakusha. [8], As the Allies advanced towards Japan, conditions became steadily worse for the Japanese people. [64] On 10 September, the foreign affairs ministers of China and India met in Moscow. [176] About 20 minutes later the Tokyo railroad telegraph center realized that the main line telegraph had stopped working just north of Hiroshima. [316] About 5,0008,000 Koreans were killed in Hiroshima and another 1,5002,000 died in Nagasaki. He said "Our troops have gone back from not only PP-15 but also PP-16, which we had for the last 50 years or so. Curveball was a known liar, and the sole source for the mobile chemical weapons factories. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; [18][31][42] On 7 September, for the first time in 45 years, shots were fired along the LAC, with both sides blaming each other for the firing. The CIA proceeded to organize the operation with the aid of various Cuban counter-revolutionary forces, training Brigade 2506 in Guatemala. [190] In 2000, the CIA and USAF jointly ran a series of flights over Afghanistan with a small remote-controlled reconnaissance drone, the Predator; they obtained probable photos of bin Laden. Two weeks after news reports of the slaughter, the CIA sent a U-2 to photograph it. [353] On 1 August 2021 a new military hotline was set up. [126] These continued to be expanded and extended up to the morning of 6 August 1945. An advance party of the air echelon, consisting of 29 officers and 61 enlisted men, flew by C-54 to North Field on Tinian, between 15 and 22 May. While it was not confirmed whether the agency was able to retrieve the classified information, it is known that all officers present that day fled the building safely. The university was founded on April 28, 1611. What Base? "[171] On 24 May, another report said that the Chinese soldiers invaded India at three different places: Hot Springs, Patrol Point 14, and Patrol Point 15. [594] However following the 15 June clash at Galwan nearly all mainstream newspapers carried front-page stories as well as multi-page stories of the Galwan incident. [287], While The National Academy of Sciences raised the possibility that Neel's procedure did not filter the Kure population for possible radiation exposure which could bias the results,[288] overall, a statistically insignificant increase in birth defects occurred directly after the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima when the cities were taken as wholes, in terms of distance from the hypocenters. "The Role of Intelligence" (1965). [252] Lawrence had gained access to the city as part of a press junket promoting the U.S. Army Air Force. That means the impact could spread far beyond the agencys payday lending rule. UST was granted the title Royal by King Charles III of Spain in 1785. [388] He said that India's Krugang Valley could become a disputed area. A college is called a faculty, a college, a school, or an institute depending on the time it was founded. [6] On 19 June 1988, he was consecrated a bishop by the Apostolic Nuncio to Indonesia, Archbishop Francesco Canalini. 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