what does exodus 12:12 mean

the contemplation of the judgments of Jehovah in dealing with Pharaoh ", "There is also a double account of the miracle of the quails in Exodus 16:1-36 and Numbers 11:1-35. It is not merely a good hope of being delivered, but that the person himself by grace has no doubt about it. THE PRECEPT PERTAINING TO UNLEAVENED BREAD B. Here the temple on mount Zion seems to be meant. What shall man do to us? Not that I would be an unembodied spirit, but my desire is to be clothed upon with the body which is from heaven, for we know that as long as we're at home in this body, we are absent from the Lord. And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and things unleavened; upon . The tenor of Dr. D.'s statement is the more remarkable, because the reference to Succoth occurs in a distinct clause that follows where is only Elohim, after which we have Jehovah once more as before. In smiting the firstborn of all living beings, man and beast, God struck down the objects of Egyptian worship (compare Exodus 12:5). And when a stranger dwells with you and wants to keep the Passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as a native of the land. There may be, I grant you, the mingling of that which is of nature along with faith; and from this it appears to me that Moses was far from being exempt, either in his first appearance as one engaged for God with His people here below, or afterwards when God summoned him to accomplish the great work of which he had a certain anticipation, no doubt vague and dark, in his soul. They weren't sure that it was going to work. every man's servant that is bought for many, when you have circumcised him, then he can eat. But even Gesenius and Knobel take the word otherwise, and so do Onkelos and Aben Ezra, as Dr. McCaul has shown. It was no doubt thus that God was about to work in the midst of Israel. "The firstborn of Pharaoh was not only his successor to the throne, but by the act of the gods was a specially born son having divine property. THE PASSOVER LAMB AND ITS SPRINKLED BLOOD In short, the Passover was the judgment of sin before God. In the next part of the book of Exodus is a change of the greatest magnitude; but we shall find also that God never forgets His own people. So then we who are in this body do often groan earnestly desiring to be free from the restrictions of this body, from the limitations of this body, from the pain and the suffering of this body. The fact is that all is clear and consistent but progressive; and the petty pretence of Elohistic and Jehovistic documents manifestly fails; for Exodus 3:1-22 is characterised by the use of Jehovah in a way exactly similar to Exodus 6:1-30. It was there that God showed, not merely what must be in order that He should be able righteously to abstain from judging (and hence destroying) a sinful people, but what He is in defence of His people against all their foes, were they the mightiest. Much as one rejoices through the mercy of God in that which is built upon it and is its complement, sweet and precious as it is to follow by the way of resurrection into heavenly glory itself, never forget for a moment that what stands alone in depth of suffering and in efficacious value before God is the death of Christ. As it is said of this feast elsewhere, "Every one went to his own tent;" so although it was here the house of the Israelite in the land of Egypt, still communion is not seen. The plagues were calculated to smite them most acutely in what constituted their religion. Because the people lusted, this food was sent in anger to destroy them. If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. ], ". land of Egypt. The images m 1 The beginning of the yeere is changed. When here below Jesus never proclaimed Himself as the Christ on the one hand, or as the Son of God on the other, though truly both, and always accepting and vindicating either when He was thus confessed by others. "The anger of Jehovah was kindled against Moses, and he said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy brother?" You've passed from death unto life. Arminianism naturally resists it, as its doctrine causes salvation to turn largely on man's deserts; while Calvinism would consent to salvation in "the purpose of God" or some jargon of the kind, while meanwhile the object of it may have no comfort, nor solid footing whatever for his soul. But Exodus 14:1-31 brings before us another order of ideas. (2.) There will be a vast difference between this old, ugly bulb and the blossomed flower in the kingdom of God. Also see the Appendix of these notes for a chart of the Hebrew calendar. So don't go looking for a bald head when you get up there to find me. This clearly is not conveyed anywhere, but that God had not before revealed Himself in that relationship as He did then. Hence, whether on a great scale or in individual dealings of God, nothing can be more certain than that there is such an action on His part. We have what belongs to heaven while we are here. The mark of the beast may be received on the forehead or in the right hand, but the seal of the Lamb is always in the forehead,Revelation 7:3. For those who live and believe in Jesus, they do not die, they move out of the old tent that is worn out, into a beautiful new house, a building of God, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.I'm so anxious to see my new model; one that's probably designed for my personality. At the same time all were so distinctly according to His word, and fell one after another with such alarming frequency and tremendous force on them, that they confessed the hand of God. As the Pharaoh said, "Who is Jehovah? The powers of the air were at the command of Jehovah and against Egypt. For this the text not only gives no ground but furnishes its unequivocal disproof. So it is not mine to question or challenge. And it came to pass, on that very same day, that the LORD brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt according to their armies. "Jesus said, "I am the bread of life", and thus the bread of the Passover, the middle wafer was representing Jesus Christ. I will only add, that in Exodus 13:1-22 we find another thing a character stamped on the firstborn brought into connection with the Passover. They were not to apply the blood to the other member of the doorframe, the threshold, because someone might tread on it. *The Authorised Version does not distinguish as it evidently ought between or on the one hand, and on the other, meaning "I buy," and "I redeem." But as to the second point, it is plain that not the writer but the rationalist is guilty of confusion, and loses the profit of the two accounts, which are alike circumstantially and morally distinct. It was to be set apart four days before (Exodus 12:3; Exodus 12:6), denoting the designation of the Lord Jesus to be a Saviour, both in the purpose and in the promise. Let us own the grace and wisdom of our God in both. And this has an amazing effect upon the spiritual man, who nourishes himself on the sound words of God, because we are all apt otherwise to be careless and to use words lightly. * But a king is seen who knew not Joseph, and the afflictions which the Spirit of God had predicted long before to Abraham begin to thicken on his seed there. So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to the LORD throughout your generations. Again, bodily cleanliness was no small part of heathenism which could do nothing for the soul: more particularly was it so with Egyptian heathenism. Exodus 12:12, NIV: On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. In fact she at last was obliged to do what she most hated, as she said herself in her son's case. for wherever He has appeared as the Savior of His people, He has asserted His glory in opposition to all impious and corrupt religions. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. Their religious year begins in April. To come in unto your houses to smite you ( Exodus 12:23 ). We are bought with a price. In short, unbelief in the first instance is never the consequence of judicial hardness on God's part. on them, are comprehended in the preceding clause, this is, We are here in the place where we may, alas! What does Exodus 12:12 mean? We may say then, as a prophet did later, that they groaned; but they did not groan to God. But no escape would God allow from that which was so repugnant to the feelings of Zipporah. Did it affect every pond and stream, nay every vessel of wood and stone? It is a night to be much observed unto the Lord for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: it is the night of the Lord to be observed of all of the children of Israel in their generations. I don't want to be that. God is always creating questions in the minds of children. God saves and God redeems his people. For, on one hand, as surely as He is a consuming fire, so on the other the bush, weak as it is, and ready to vanish away, nevertheless remains to prove that whatever may be the siftings and judicial dealing of God, whatever the trials and searchings of man, yet where He reveals Himself in pitifulness as well as in power (and such it certainly was here), He sustains the object and uses the trial for nothing but good no doubt for His own glory, but consequently for the very best interests of those that are His. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.. It was as if the 430 years were a time of gestation when the baby grew large. It will come to pass when you come to the land which the LORD will give you, just as He promised, that you shall keep this service. But there they failed. This kindles all his affections on behalf of his brethren. Holiness in Scripture is as much made to depend on redemption as God's being able righteously to come and dwell in our midst. Am I saying that I know better than God? Nevertheless peace is impossible if we have only that which answers to the Passover. His main point seems to be that "in one single day, the whole immense population of Israel, as large as that of London, was instructed to keep the Passover, and actually did keep it." They do not own it themselves; they treat the Master's claims and rights with indifference and contempt, as every unbeliever does. We are planted in corruption; we are raised in incorruption. Life really begins with Jesus Christ. After the Babylonian captivity they renamed it Nisan (Nehemiah 2:1; Esther 3:7). There is hardly a book of the Old Testament that stands out in more decided contrast with the book of Genesis than the one which follows it most closely. Speaking of America, he remarks (ib. Then for the next seven days, they ate only unleavened bread. This is inExodus 16:1-36; Exodus 16:1-36. He is not at all an opposite of God. Even the pagan god Pharaoh, whose first-born was "heir apparent" to the throne and the darling not merely of the royal family but of all Egypt, was not spared. We can imagine that some of the Israelites did not follow Gods instruction to get all the leaven out (Exodus 12:15). Whenever God is doing a marvelous work and gathering His people together, and there comes a real excitement over the things of God, a genuine revival of the Spirit; there are always just a certain number who just come along for the ride, who have not made a true commitment of their own lives. The Lords executioner would then pass over that house and no one inside would be killed.The Passover feast that followed was to be prepared with a minimum of delay. But the resource was at hand. The communion service is not for the public, the general public. We may suppose that, while Moses was bringing the ten plagues upon the Egyptians, he was directing the Israelites to prepare for their departure at an hour's warning. We have apostolic authority for believing that the rock is Christ. I didn't say I did; I believe it. And when a stranger shall sojourn with thee, and will keep the passover to the Lord, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as one that is born in the land: for no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof ( Exodus 12:42-48 ). (Exodus 4:1-31) The attention of Moses is drawn to what was in his hand a rod which, when cast on the ground, became a serpent. (5.) Thus, it had to be a step of faith on their part. IV. Whatever may be the power, there is no taking them out of the place of dependence. Exodus 28:12, CSB: Fasten both stones on the shoulder pieces of the ephod as memorial stones for the Israelites. a. As a word "Jehovah" occurs frequently in the book of Genesis, in a way which shows not only that the writer knew the term, but that it was in use from the beginning. And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty yearson that very same dayit came to pass that all the armies of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt. Then he called for Moses and Aaron by night, and said, Rise, go out from among my people, both you and the children of Israel. CONCLUSION: Deliverance for the believer is based entirely upon the As for the second book, Exodus, there is one grand idea which pervades it redemption The consequences of redemption, as well as the circumstances in which it was accomplished, are brought before us in a very full and complete manner, as we shall see. But inExodus 3:1; Exodus 3:1, etc., he received it in Midian. At first they may have been involved in a general way, but gradually a separation is made more and more plain. They lived and believed in Jesus and are now dead. But for all that He does not assert it. (2.) The word is somewhat vague, and probably has a wider meaning and not so definite as serpent. Rescue from the angel of death didnt happen by a prayer or a fasting or a good work; it was accomplished by a life given on behalf of others. Destruction in one way or another seemed to be inevitable. (3.) It's brought out.What a day it's going to be when Israel discovers the bread of life, Jesus Christ. So the purpose of the feast was a memorial, a reminder of what God had done, but also it was to create a question in the mind of the children. God directed that they roast it in the manner common to nomads rather than eating it raw as many of their contemporary pagans ate their sacrificial meat (cf. the, firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and Can we not comprehend brethren, that we were under the power of an enemy of God? This was the more touching, because He knew right well how these very men were about to disgrace Him. And the blood shall be to you a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and there shall no plague be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. People not imbued with scriptural truth are often apt to talk of salvation in a slighting or at least superficial way. Exodus 12:14 The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live; and when I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. CHAPTER 12 The Passover Instituted and Kept, the Death of the He is still more explicit. It reminds one of that which the Gospels tell us. Solemn but infinite favour! Which must be understood consistent with his omnipresence, and of the manifestation of his powerful presence, or of the exertion of his mighty power in the following event: and will smite all the, firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; as had been declared to Pharaoh, Exodus 11:5. and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment; meaning either figuratively, the nobles, princes, judges and civil magistrates, who are sometimes called Elohim, gods; but since the firstborn of these, as of others, and so the judgment on them, are comprehended in the preceding clause, this is, rather to be understood literally of the idols of the Egyptians, their images of gold and silver, or of whatever they were made of: the Targum of Jonathan is, "on all the idols of the Egyptians I will exercise four judgments; the molten idols shall be melted, the idols of stone shall be cut asunder, the idols of earth shall be broke to pieces, and the idols of wood shall become ashes;''. Spiritual Meaning of EXODUS 12:7-11 previous - next - text - summary - Exodus - BM Home - Full Page. Psalms 105:40; Psalms 106:14; Psalms 106:16, might be profitably compared by friends or enemies of the Bible. After that, they used only the civil calendar. Apart from the power of God accomplishing His word, the objectors seem to be ignorant that doubling the population in fifteen years or less is by no means without example. Dreadful work was to be made this night in Egypt: all the firstborn of God therefore affirms, that he would not only conquer the nation itself, but its very gods. For there was not one quality in the people which could in anywise move the heart towards them except their misery not one worthy moral feeling, not one generous emotion, not the smallest care for the glory of God. Thus we have to make death and resurrection good in our practice, learning the reality of the wilderness and the utter want of all power of refreshment in the place and circumstances through which we are passing. Finally, Pharaoh knew that the LORD God was greater than all the Egyptian gods and was greater than Pharaoh himself who was thought to be a god. "What shall I say unto them?" The Passover is to commemorate God's passing over the Israelites for judgment, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread is to commemorate God's rescuing the Israelites from Egypt. . There were other requisitions on God's part which showed that this had another and an infinitely more solemn character than the preceding plagues. Some suggest there was also a hygienic aspect in getting rid of all the leaven. They didn't sit at the table like we sit at the table to eat, but they would just sort of lie around on pillows on the floor, very casual when they ate.You so often, you know, you see the picture of Jesus at the Last Supper and the nice table and everything. ], 1. Aaron will carry these names on his shoulders as a constant reminder whenever he goes before the LORD. The Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread - The LORD said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, "This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year. For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son" (this was the beginning), "much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life." * It is a matter, perhaps, too well known to need many words, that every woman was simply to ask of her neighbour, etc., vessels of silver and of gold, with raiment, which were to be put on Israel's sons and daughters. Thus the dwelling of God amongst His people is revealed immediately after we have the express type of redemption. Not that there will not be the dwelling of God in the midst of His people by-and-by; but the peculiarity of our calling is, that we wait for none of our characteristic joys: we have all in Christ now by the power of the Spirit before we go to heaven. "If the words inExodus 3:20-22; Exodus 3:20-22 be taken literally or historically, they represent Jehovah as commanding an immoral thing. He surely learned. I do believe that God does put limitations upon what Satan can do. Firstborn and the Exodus What is yeast? 14 And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever. And in the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month in the evening, you will eat the unleavened bread, until the twenty first day of the month at evening. Pharaoh had scorned Jehovah's call for the homage of His first-born Israel; and from the beginning had been warned that if he refused to let him go, "behold, I will slay thy son, thy first-born." This then is brought before us here with the utmost possible care; as the Spirit of God gives immense scope to the allusions elsewhere. power in Egypt in the deliverance of a nation numbering over two Let us be thankful then for all that which commends itself to us as true and of God, but never assume that we have apprehended the whole truth. This is remarkably evinced in the character now given them, as well as their preciousness with God. The Holy Ghost can then lead on in the growing discernment of His image impressed on each incident which is made to be the means of setting forth His glory in the written word. AGAINST ALL THE GODS OF EGYPT - Compare the margin 5. So it was exactly to the day, four hundred and thirty years from the time that Jacob went down, exactly to the day four hundred and thirty years they came out, right to the day. It is now, after redemption, that God reveals Himself as "glorious in holiness." The time was not yet come evidently for the deliverance of such a people. a. For whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that person shall be cut off from Israel. threatened should certainly be performed, and thereby the (1.) Do we as Christians quarrel with such matters? Further, not only the consequences of redemption, but that which may be the result when man, insensible to the grace which has wrought redemption, turns back on himself, and attempts to gain a footing by his own resources and faithfulness before God. In other words, it was four hundred and thirty years to a day. Now it was undeniable. And in Jeremiah 43:13: The houses of the gods [ bottey elohey] of the Egyptians shall he burn with fire. Paul said, "Remember you're just like a bit of clay in the potter's hands, and what right has the clay to say to the potter, hey, why are you making me this kind of a pitcher?" The appointment is inculcated for their better direction, and that they might not mistake concerning it, and to awaken those who perhaps in Egypt had grown generally very stupid and careless in the matters of religion to a diligent observance of the institution. And as I say, I emphasize that and you'll find out why on Thursday night. If I have submitted to it, I'm in good shape. Such was exactly the state of things in the land of Egypt. It is an easily settled principle after all, and it accounts for much on which men's minds otherwise are apt to stumble. That God should not have touched on the matter in a book so fertile of truths as Genesis would hardly be credible to a mere theologian. When we come together as His assembly, should we not remind ourselves that we are not only members of the body of Christ, but God's habitation through the Spirit? (Isaias xiv. Passover and Lord's Supper The construction is, I, Jehovah, will execute judgment.. Yet here was just the situation. The judgment of God fell upon the palace as upon the hovel or the kennel. How could you ever win? This act consecrated the houses of the Israelites as altars. THE LORD GOD OF GODS Had Moses only spoken with the rod of the priesthood in his hand, the sign of grace which brought forth fruit out of death, all had been according to God's mind and the provision of His mercy to bring a weak and faulty people through the wilderness. How big is God?" Since they used a piece of dough from the previous batch to make the bread for that day, and did so repeatedly, that harmful bacteria could take hold in the dough so it was good to remove all leaven and start all over at least once a year. The rod of power then taking Satanic form seems to be meant by the sign first committed to Moses. The psalmist sets forth at full length the distinction which pseudo-criticism would destroy; and this too in such a way as to prove that they are but cases out of many facts which fall under the principles already indicated. The Israelites who were not circumcised in the wilderness could not have found work for Aaron and his sons; for that rite was the basis for all the rest, and yet it was certainly neglected there and then. They could've challenged the thing that Moses was telling them. When held thus in faith it becomes a most practical test for souls; for nothing should be said or done in that assembly but what is suitable to God's dwelling-place.

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