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agricultural programs and projects

CDA's STAR program was one of the 70 projects selected for funding by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through the Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities Project. Timeline: 2020-2021. NIFA-Funded Projects Advance Organic Agriculture in U.S. Study Reveals Agriculture-Related Injuries More Numerous than Previously Known, Georgia Extension Supporting County Governments and Poultry Industry, Celebrating National Hispanic-serving Institutions Week, The Benefits of International Collaboration and Global Engagement, Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water and Soil Quality, USDA NIFA Preparing Next Generation of Agricultural Workforce, Supporting Wildlife Through Conservation and Management, Celebrating the Second Morrill Act of 1890, Capacity-building Grants Program Sees 25 Years of Impact at 1890 LGUs, NIFA Programs Work to Increase Food and Nutrition Security, National Clean Plant Center for Berries Expands Capabilities, Virginia Tech-led Group that Researched Boxwood Blight Wins USDA Award, Research and Extension Supports Local Food Systems, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Proclaims October 2 - 8 as National 4-H Week, Helping Western Tribal Communities Understand the Impacts of and Adaptation Options for Climate Change, A New Cash Oilseed Cover Crop for Midwest Corn and Soybean Rotations, Langston University Excels in Daylily Research, SDSU Researchers Working to Fill Educational Gaps for Rural Students, Oregon State Researchers Discover Compounds Contributing to Smoke Taint in Wine and Grapes, How the Omicron Subvariant BA.5 Became a Master of Disguise and What It Means for the Current COVID-19 Surge. [CDATA[// >

agricultural programs and projects