auc calculator vancomycin

It is time-consuming to estimate AUCs using traditional methods. If a patient has only received one single dose (thus not at steady state), Cmin is set to 0 (zero). Vancomycin regimens can be calculated both empirically (without any prior doses) or using one or two vancomycin levels. Just like any other medication, however, safe and effective dosing and monitoring of vancomycin is essential. This AUC was compared to the AUC from two (AUC-2) and one (AUC-1) sample(s) by excluding the second and third (AUC-2) or the first, second and third (AUC-1) sample for calculation. By default, this calculator uses Bayesian modeling population estimates to select an appropriate kinetic model based on critical illness and obesity. Calculated EDD = AUC x CL nonobese EDD final (w/max) Display OBESITY Weight-based obesity dosing Clvan obese (Crass et al, 2018) 15 mg/kg 25 mg/kg/d Clvan max (cap at CrCl 150ml/min or 9L/hr) 15 mg/kg max Clvan obese display (w/age validation) TDD using Clvan obese 20 mg/kg 30 mg/kg TDD final using Clvan obese (cap at 4500) max Age validation Use the advanced version if you wish to manipulate this value. The simple first order equation above for vancomycin dosing does have limitations. Diseases Society and the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists. In these articles, trough-only monitoring was not well correlated with improved clinical outcomes and maintaining a trough level in the range of 15-20 mcg/mL consistently failed in predicting clinical cure and AKI risk. The latest article from SIDP illustrates the challenges of area under the curve (AUC) implementation and offers . Why did you pick Buelga 2005 as a general hospitalized Bayesian model? Therapeutic Vancomycin Monitoring Using AUC How it Works Enter Values Enter starting values and click "Calculate" to determine current AUC24. Total Vancomycin Dose (in mg) Per 24 hours Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Consult your local antibiogram for MIC distributions if this value is not yet reported. This toolkit provides helpful advice and strategies to completing the following implementation steps and more. One approach used by some facilities is the creation of spreadsheet or electronic health record integrated calculators. dosing recommendations for renal replacement therapy, Learn more about the timing of vancomycin drug levels, Methods for Determining Vancomycin Clearance, Methods for Determining Vancomycin Volume of Distribution, Vancomycin Pharmacokinetic Models and Population Estimates, Vancomycin Bayesian Modeling for CLvanco and Vd, Inappropriate Populations for This Calculator, Dosing Recommendations for Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT), Using a population estimate of clearance, extrapolate a true trough (if drug level drawn early or late). Accessed: May 2019. For health systems, this meant that anyone monitoring and adjusting vancomycin doses needed to move away from the traditional trough goals and towards a method of calculating the AUC. If drug levels were collected, there was not a well-established method of determining if the patient was adequately treated or at risk for acute kidney injury (AKI). If your health system has an infectious disease physician team and/or antimicrobial stewardship program, rally for their support. Provide education to staff pharmacists, nurses, and physicians regarding the need to add vancomycin peaks for all patients being monitored on vancomycin therapy, Create a dosing calculator that can either be used within the electronic medical record or on a shared spreadsheet file, Update any dosing protocols and monitoring sheets to reflect the updated guidance which reviews how the AUC can be hand calculated should a situation arise where the above calculator is not available, After implementation, continuously evaluate the workflow impact and patient outcomes of this method of AUC dosing. Yes, this website will continue to be available for free. In many pharmacokinetic textbooks, a single Vd (such as 0.7 L/kg) or CLvanco (such as 70% of creatinine clearance) are recommended. This included recommendations on empiric dosing according to the patients body weight, adjusting the dose of vancomycin based on the patients CrCl, and intensifying the dosing strategy if the patient had a confirmed, serious infection caused by MRSA such as endocarditis. They also can forecast the expected drug levels and daily AUC based on the new regimen selected. Use the following table to guide monitoring of vancomycin based on the patient's clinical status: Clinical Situation Monitoring Recommendation Patients with stable renal function (including patients with CKD and receiving CRRT) Obtain 2 vancomycin levels at steady state and calculate AUC to achieve goal AUC of 400-600 \\CL_{vanco} = Vd*Kel While there were some small studies conducted in humans, most were in animals or in a laboratory setting (in vitro).3. Empiric maintenance doses for most obese patients usually do not exceed 4,500 mg/day, depending on their renal function (B-II). Vancomycin Per Pharmacy Protocol . DoseMeRx Vancomycin Dosing Calculator (free version) Link to calculator is here.. There is insufficient evidence to provide recommendations on whether trough-only or AUC-guided vancomycin monitoring should be used among patients with noninvasive MRSA or other infections." All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no formal endorsement (s) of any kind regarding use of any proprietary materials found within this content. van Hal S, Paterson D, and Lodise T. Systematic review and meta-analysis of vancomycin-induced nephrotoxicity associated with dosing schedules that maintain troughs between 15 and 20 milligrams per liter. Clearance is then determined using the following steps: Two drug levels available (peak and trough): This is the most accurate method of calculating a patient-specific CLvanco and Vd; however, it requires two drug levels to be drawn. As an example, Bayesian modeling may optimize a Vd value from 0.98 L/kg (the population estimate) to 1.11 L/kg (an optimized value based on the patient's drug level). AUC Excel Calculator . There are several models available that can be used as the Bayesian prior.21-25 These include models for the standard, critically ill, or obese, the adult patient on hemodialysis, and pediatric/adolescent and preterm/neonate models. commercially available Bayesian estimation software programs. Date Uploaded: Thursday, February 6, 2020 - 9:30am. Where needed the results will be converted in both types of units for your convenience, for instance at ideal weight by Devine's formula (from kg to lbs using . \\ k = ln(Cp^0/Cp)/t The following equations are used as part of these models: CLvanco is estimated using a linear relationship to creatinine clearance while normalizing to total body weight: CLvanco is estimated using a linear relationship to creatinine clearance: Note that this method comes from the same manuscript that published the linear relationship between Kel and CrCl (Kel=0.00083*CrCl+0.0044), sometimes called the Creighton equation. First, it can only be used to inform the clinician of the drug concentration at a certain time point. Description: This is a 3-step calculator (patient data, previous doses, concentrations).It does not allow for calculations outside of weight 40-200kg, height 151-210 cm, age 18-100 years, SCr 0.1-3 mg/dL . Zero order kinetics is a time-dependent process where the same amount of drug is eliminated from the body per unit time regardless of the concentration of the drug in the patient.15. The Sawchuk-Zaske method uses two post-dose concentrations (regardless of being at steady state) using the following approach:11. Alcohol is a commonly used example of zero order (nonlinear) kinetics. A value of 0.7 L/kg is a convenient population estimate. and review of 1the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 1,3,4 for years, pharmacists in inpatient and outpatient infusion settings have been involved heavily in the dosing and monitoring of vancomycin, because of the complex interplay between Steady-state requires 4-5 elimination half-lives. Two drug levels (peak and trough) collected after a single dose (non-steady state), Two drug levels (peak and trough) collected at steady state (after at least three doses). Comprehensive "pro" and "con" discussion: Subsequent dose adjustments are determined using the calculated AUC. HIPAA Privacy Statement | Privacy policy | DoseMe & the GDPR | Copyright 2012 - 2022 DoseMe Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. To hand calculate the AUC using first order equations, the Sawchuk-Zaske method can be used.18. Other models do exist that may have less bias and more precision (such as Goti et al. Vd is estimated using the most appropriate published pharmacokinetic model for a given patient. An AUC can be measured by checking a peak and trough concentration at steady state; however, this requires obtaining an additional blood sample. What is known and objective: The revised vancomycin monitoring guidelines recommend targeting an area under the curve (AUC) of 400-600 mg*hr/L for serious methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections. Though vancomycin has been used since the 1950s, there was no formal guidance available to assist clinicians with evaluating and dosing the medication until 2009. Using a population estimate of Vd, extrapolate a peak value: Using the extrapolated peak and trough values, calculate Kel and CL. This data is how we determined our AUC goal of 400 to 600mg.h/L for Enterococcus and other strep species. To make this practice change, calculator support will be . Vancomycin dosages of 15-20 mg/kg (based on ABW) given every 8-12 hours are required for most patients with normal renal function to achieve the suggested serum concentrations when the MIC is 1 mg/L. This vancomycin calculator uses pharmacokinetic population estimates, Bayesian modeling, and the Sawchuk-Zaske method to calculate a vancomycin dosing regimen for an adult patient. It cannot adapt to different conditions such as rapidly improving or declining renal function. AKI has also been associated with progression to dialysis, longer length of stay, and significantly higher costs for the health system.8,9, It is in the interest of patients, providers, pharmacists, and stakeholders that AKI is prevented. single-level dose infused early or late, HONcode standard for trust- worthy health, pediatric liver transplantation: a new biological abdominal wall. This is to ensure the highest degree of safety and accuracy. Now, the AUC can be calculated. $$, $$ Even in patients with a baseline normal renal function, the risk of nephrotoxicity from vancomycin is too great to go without collection and monitoring of vancomycin levels. Patients are often less stable when they first initiate vancomycin, so measuring two levels after the first dose may be unreliable. At DoseMe, we support all dosing approaches of vancomycin and have helped several hospitals with the transition to AUC-based decision making - calculating AUC side-by-side with trough targets - and even helping by analyzing clinical datasets to aid hospitals and health systems in supporting a move. CRRT assumes CVVHD with ultrafiltration rate 2L/h and residual native GFR < 10 mL/min. The provider can then input a new combination of dose, duration of infusion, and dosing interval, and the calculator predicts the AUC 24, peak, and trough concentration that should result. -Estimation Tool based on entered Kel, Vancomycin -Timing of next dose based on estimated Ke AUC24 is calculated using either Bayesian modeling, which falls outside the scope of this document, or a more transparent "trapezoidal" model, which calculates AUC through the measurement of two trapezoids which fill most of the area under the curve. As with many drugs, vancomycin has been modelled as following two- or even three-compartment pharmacokinetics.1,5,13. While there are several limitations to consider when using first order pharmacokinetic equations, there are some potential benefits. Luckily, patients of average weight receiving vancomycin at appropriate doses and frequencies for their renal function will exhibit first order elimination kinetics.1,3,5,6, In first order (linear) pharmacokinetic models, drug elimination can be represented as a straight line on a logarithmic scale. Jeffres M. The whole price of vancomycin: toxicities, troughs, and time. A core goal of this calculator is to provide transparency in how a vancomycin dose is calculated -- clinicians (and pharmacokinetic textbooks) utilize one-comparment pharmacokinetics; therefore, only one-comparment Bayesian models are considered for this calculator. Doses are entered (not selected), so they are not constrained by the size of doses typically used in adults. Alcohol dehydrogenase, one of the major enzymes involved in alcohol metabolism, has a low Km, which is a measure of the affinity of the substrate for an enzyme. $$, $$ Using an example patient weighing 100 kg with a creatinine clearance of 80 mL/min and BSA of 2.3 m2, the initial pharmacokinetic variables with each model would be: The following methods can be used to estimate vancomycin clearance. PMID: 32191793. "A vancomycin loading dose of 20 to 25 mg/kg using actual body weight, with a maximum dose of 3,000 mg, may be considered in obese adult patients with serious infections (B-II). Preparing patients to discharge on vancomycin for outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy will present challenges if they are receiving their vancomycin through a home infusion company or are discharged to another facility that remains on a trough-only monitoring protocol. AUC is the preferred method of vancomycin monitoring Goal AUC is 400-600 regardless of MIC and should not be adjusted for MICs less than or equal to 1 . Translated this suggests that the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme has a high affinity for alcohol.16, This high affinity causes the enzyme to be saturated with substrate at low concentrations. This theorem is a mathematical formula that can be used to determine the probability of an event occurring based on the condition(s) placed on the event and the probability model (Bayesian prior) used as a guide. NEW webinar: Mastering Big Data Register now , Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic with activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)as well as other clinically important gram-positive organisms.1. Toolkit Features: Template guideline for vancomycin dosing with highlighted areas to customize to your local facility \\ Vd = \frac{Dose/T_{inf}*(1-e^{-k*T_{inf}})}{k*(C_{max} - (C_{min} * e^{-k*T_{inf}}))} One drug level collected after a single dose (non-steady state), One drug level collected at steady state (after at least three doses). The 2020 consensus guideline updates recommend Bayesian estimation as the preferred approach to monitoring the AUC. Vd is determined using the selected Vd method (see Methods for Determining Vancomycin Volume of Distribution). None of the equations used are age-specific, and no age-specific assumptions are made during any calculation. TDMx Vancomycin-Web-based Bayesian calculator from Germany-Allows for input of fixed dosing regimen or varying individual doses-Beta-version: Trough AUC Bayesian: Free-Multiple Bayesian models-Albumin, SCr, and TDM lab input as covariates-Complex operability-Requires solid understanding of vancomycin kinetics. While a trough goal between 15 and 20 mcg/mL usually represented an AUC of at least 400, it also had the tendency to overshoot the therapeutic range of the drug, predisposing patients to the aforementioned complications of kidney damage. Identify a team of super users and physician champions. Blood samples should be collected to adjust maintenance dosing to a goal AUC/MIC between 400 to 600 mg*h/L. AUCss 0-24 mg*hr/L Initial Dosing Calculator: The maintenance dose is calculated based on CrCl. The distinguishing factor between zero order and first order pharmacokinetics is the ability of the elimination system to become saturated by the drug.15, When administered intravenously, vancomycin is eliminated renally with >80% of the administered drug recoverable unchanged in the urine.1, While there are other means of vancomycin elimination, renal function plays the most central role in determining how quickly a patient can remove vancomycin from the central compartment. It utilizes a two-level calculator for AUC to calculate patient-specific pharmacokinetics. UCSF Vancomycin AUC calculator; UCSF Vancomycin AUC calculator. By understanding applied pharmacokinetics, clinicians can decrease the risk of AKI from this drug while still effectively treating serious MRSA infections. By integrating overall concentration over time, the AUC provides a more accurate estimate of the overall drug exposure. Do Not Copy, Distribute or otherwise Disseminate without express permission. Blood samples may be collected before hybrid dialysis (pre-dialysis) or 1-2 hours after hybrid dialysis (post-dialysis) and should be used to adjust maintenance dosing to a goal AUC/MIC between 400 to 600 mg*h/L. By using this website, you agree to its use of cookies. Although values are highly variable, a Vd of 0.52 L/kg is a reasonable population estimate supported by the literature. You can download a printer-friendly version of this information here. \\Kel = ln(Peak/Trough)/(Tau-T_{inf}) Empiric, initial vancomycin dosing will be calculated using population pharmacokinetic parameters. NEW! Identify a publication describing mean and variance of vancomycin clearance and volume of distribution. Calculating the AUC requires a bit of work. DoseMe-Rx The information provided by the MAD-ID Vancomycin Task Force ("we," "us" or "our") on this website (the "Site") is for general informational purposes only. 1 Vancomycin has found significant use in clinical practice due to its activity against these organisms. In the busy hospital environment, collection of a peak and trough level is often a challenging obstacle and involves many moving parts. From here, the true trough (Cmin) can be calculated using the Cmax from the following formula: Where Tau is the dosing interval and tinf is the infusion time in hours. The rationale for using Bayesian dosing for non- Staphylococcus aureus infections are based on trials that showed that in Enterococcal bacteremia, achieving an AUC of greater than 400mg.h/L improved 30 day all-cause mortality. While we strive to always be your go-to resource for a spanning array of calculation needs, please realize there are occasionally limitations to the tools we can provide. Will this vancomycin calculator remain free of charge? Similarly, a true trough (Cmin) can be calculated using the time elapsed between the second drug concentration (Cp) and the when the next dose is due to begin infusing. All Rights Reserved. A patient with normal renal function is receiving vancomycin 1 gm IV q12h. CLvanco is determined using whichever "Clearance method" is selected (see Methods for Determining Vancomycin Clearance). CL_{vanco} = (0.695*CrCl/TotalBW + 0.05)*TotalBW*0.06 What to Use: Chemical or Natural Sunscreens? A two-point trough-peak method is more straightforward for calculating the vancomycin AUC. Literature demonstrates highly variable values ranging from less than 0.5 L/kg (in morbidly obese patients) to greater than 1 L/kg (in non-obese critically ill patients). Clinicians and researchers were then faced with a challenge. You can also phone us on +1 (832) 358-3308 or email It should be noted that currently available nomograms were not developed to achieve these targeted endpoints. Bayesian Analysis - Commercial Versions vs Free Options, Trough drawn early? This site complies with the HONcode standard for trust- worthy health information: verify here. This value is commonly used in pharmacokinetic textbooks. While the first order calculations can be performed by hand, they do have some significant limitations: In-hospital management, education, and transitions of care are not the only limitations of first order equations. The ratio of the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) from 0-24 hours to the MIC (i.e., AUC/MIC) Vancomycin's dose-response relationship with Staphylococcuss aureus cannot be reduced to a simple time above the MIC [2]. -Estimation Tool based on entered Kel, Vancomycin -Timing of next dose based on estimated Ke Vd estimates are determined based on creatinine clearance: Vd estimates are determined using an equation incorporating age (in years) and total body weight (in kg): Among non-critically ill, morbidly obese patients (defined as BMI > 40 kg/m2 and body weight 120 kg), Vd (L/kg) is smaller per kilogram of total body weight. The free plasma AUC/MIC targets were similar when telavancin and vancomycin were compared for each endpoint and infection site (P value range, 0.55 to 0.88). From 2009 to 2020, several articles and meta-analyses evaluating the safety and efficacy of trough-only monitoring were released.4-13. Because vancomycin trough levels alone (one drug concentration) has been the standard for so long, some institutions may prefer to monitor drug therapy using a single vancomycin level (typically a trough level). File: UCSF Vancomycin AUC calculator.xls. While a single drug level is less costly and more convenient, it requires Bayesian modeling to estimate pharmacokinetic parameters and may not be as accurate as a two-level approach, particularly in patients with very altered pharmacokinetics (extreme obesity, critically ill, pregnancy, burns, etc.). David McAuley, Pharm.D. Consider performing post-implementation auditing to ensure the program is being used effectively. It should be noted that while the collection of a single drug level at any time point is likely within reason for a Bayesian software program to provide a valid dosing recommendation, the 2020 consensus guidelines do recommend the collection of two drug levels, specifically in patients that may be at risk of altered pharmacokinetics. AUC total Target AUC24 is 400-600 Acceptable vancomycin peaks should be <50 tpeakmeasured AUCtotal Dose Used T used tinf Used tinf used Revised Dose Calcs Initial Dose Calcs Actual Trough level Interval Used Cpeak actual Ctrough actual Vancomycin AUC24 Note: assumes vancomycin volume of distribution is constant; caution with obesity, fluid . What to Use: Chemical or Natural Sunscreens? In addition, when the MICBMD is <1 mg/L, we do not recommend decreasing the dose to achieve the AUC/MIC target. Complete training and ensure all super users are present for the implementation date and at minimum for one-week post-implementation to answer questions. Holmes N, Turnidge J, Munckhof W, et al. The readily available software we have now for the busy clinician to rapidly and accurately estimate the AUC:MIC ratio using Bayesian estimation did not exist. AKI can be a very unfortunate finding in patients receiving vancomycin. By inputting a single drug level collected at any time point into the system, the program can calculate the volume of distribution, half-life, elimination rate constant, clearance, and the AUC. In the 2020 update to the consensus guidelines for the therapeutic monitoring of vancomycin, trough-only monitoring was officially no longer recommended with direct monitoring of the AUC used in its place.14. Downloads as (.zip) file . In patients with normal renal function, these doses may not achieve the therapeutic AUC/MIC target when the MIC is 2 mg/L." De-escalation Guide (Vancomycin) Patient Case Tutorial . All Rights Reserved. Vancomycin AUC FAQ . Ex 2. if trough was 12 with AUC 400, target trough range 1217 mg/L.-Option to calculate: Calculate lower (x) and upper (y) limits of target range using linear proportionality Using Ex 1 above: o Lower limit: 12/500=x/400 = 9.6 10 Even with the paucity of available human data, the authors of the 2009 consensus guidelines were able to come to some conclusions regarding dosing recommendations. A trough is drawn 30 minutes before the fourth dose, the fourth dose is infused over one hour, and the peak is drawn one hour after the infusion is complete. These calculations can be done with a calculator, paper and pencil, using an Excel spreadsheet, or via an online calculator such as the, Answers to some common questions about therapeutic vancomycin monitoring can be found at. Initial dosing based on a target AUC is also available. Looking for the previous version of this calculator? For example, if a patient with very poor renal function (CrCl 20 mL/min) is given a very large dose (15 mg/kg IV Q8hr), the model would anticipate a very high trough level.

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