pnpm monorepo typescript

Trying to add an empty to-do item to the list shows an alert in the browser; the validation library in the frontend has prevented you from adding an invalid to-do item. In this case particularly, we are using interfaces, and wed like to share these types between our frontend and backend. You should see an alert with the text Hello, Client User! Thats a lot of wasted disk space when many of your projects will share dependencies. If you prefer to do this the real way, read the next section. Thats why Im choosing pnpm over npm its so much faster that it makes an important difference in my productivity. To let pnpm know that it is managing sub-packages, we add a pnpm-workspace.yaml file to our root project: This indicates to pnpm that any sub-directory under the packages directory can contain sub-packages. Thanks for reading, I hope you have some fun with pnpm. Our next step is to actually configure our frontends. In addition, we need to add a references property to our tsconfig.json that defines all modules within the project that this module depends on. Check out Circuit. console.log("Debug: Loading ValidateHelper/index"); export function ValidateUserName(name: string): boolean {, # Examine the combined tsconfig-file (this and the root one). To make this easier, I even created a little website, Goldstack, that generates modular starter projects. Unfortunately a few challenges remain in using Yarn 2 workspaces. # Just check tsc succeeds without creating "bin" folder: # Transpiles packages in the order listed *and*, npm install .\packages\ -w packages\, # Run tests for a specific package from root,, Each piece (read: local package) of the product will have its own folder with its own, The monorepo itself (the root folder with its configuration files, like, One folder per local package, located in the packages folder. If the filesconfiguration is missing (or badly set), then your typescript files can be built twice resulting in junk files in your packages src-folders. This project will contain a simple type and function that we can share between our codebases. vtereshyn/pnpm-typescript-monorepo. Thankfully it can be configured as easy as Prettier for a monorepo. Jest is a great tool for running Unit tests within a JavaScript or TypeScript project. Find below an example script (build.ts) to bundle code for a AWS lambda: Many JavaScript/TypeScript projects will want to include some from of frontend and in the JavaScript ecosystem we unfortunately often need to jump through some additional hoops to make different frameworks/libraries work with each other. To be able to import local packages from other local packages? Thats how much of a difference its made for me. Interested in Growth Hacking? Enter the monorepo. To add an external npm package to a local npm package, the following procedure must be followed: Go to the root of the monorepo and run npm to install a package in workspace by passing the -w parameter. Contribute to rhyek/typescript-monorepo-example development by creating an account on GitHub. As mentioned above, it is easy to use esbuild to bundle the code from the monorepo. To recreate the contents, just run npm install . incremental builds for faster rebuilds during development, automatic build of dependencies defined as TS project references when running dev, etc, automatic import suggestions in vscode for symbols within the current project or a referenced one (, base tsconfig.json, jest.config.js, .eslintrc.js, .prettierrc, path alias replacement during compilation based on configured tsconfig paths using ttypescript, and, Integration tests per SUT (system under test) each with its own docker-compose definition for dependencies (external or internal), Includes CI/CD pipelines for Github Actions (currently deploying to Heroku), Docker images built for integration tests are also used for production, run any of the scripts defined in the root package.json (dev, lint, etc). We can define an .eslintrc.json file in the project root and that will apply to all files in the Monorepo. Lets go ahead and create two new files. Here for instance the goldstack.json file for an AWS Lambda. To make local testing work for an Express.js-based lambda, we can use the package ts-node-dev. New JavaScript and Web Development content every day. Thats something thatll become more obvious as the size of our project grows and the number of dependencies increases. In our terminal again, we navigate back to the directory for the root project and invoke pnpm install to link the root package to the sub-package: Now we can run our code and see the effect: Note how the message is retrieved from package A and displayed in the output: This shows how the root project is using the function from the sub-package. Alternatives such as the Serverless framework or AWS SAM in comparison more lean towards being special purpose tools. I thought this was the best way to show the benefits of pnpm workspaces because I can show you how to share a package in the monorepo between both the frontend and backend projects. So npm recommends to use file references: This command will give something like this in the package.json and it doesnt really give any advantages. Support for ESM for instance would be awesome, the lack of which caused me some problems in trying to make Svelte work within the monorepo. Go ahead and run. Before we go into the implementation, I briefly want to give a few situations when a monorepo may be a good choice for setting up a project: Yarn 2 workspaces provide a convenient way to manage the packages and dependencies in large JavaScript projects. Do not run npm install in the package directory. With a monorepo, we can make code changes to both and commit to a single code repository, updating both components at the same. Being forced to publish a package in order to reuse it conveniently makes for a painful workflow, especially if you are only reusing the package within a single monorepo. Now, this is where it gets interesting By issuing tsc at the top level, it can run through all modified packages and build them. Our next step is to create our shared project. When using Yarn workspaces, it is easy to infer what the local references should be, however, TypeScript does not do so by default. With pnpm installed, we can create a new Node project like so. However, for larger projects, code editors like VSCode may run into performance problems. To try any of this code, you first need to install Node.js. This is especially efficient when running tsc in watch mode. The package we will be creating is named ValidatorHelper (just to pick anything). How fast? Solution 2:A: Inside the apple-package:s folder, open package.json . To use project references, we need to provide a number of configuration parameters for TypeScript. So to be super clear, do not do this (and if you manage to do it, see troubleshooting below for a fix): Does it really matter the reference to a download package is stored in the monorepo package.json vs. having it packages\packagename\package.json ? I will endavour to make this easier in the future and hope that this will encourage more contributions to the project. It stores all downloaded packages under a single .pnpm-store subdirectory in your home directory. However, I think it is very worthwhile what the Yarn team attempts to achieve with Yarn 2 and I am happy to support it by trying to make it work in the monorepo template. Run pnpm install to install the necessary dependencies for each project and we can now share code between our React apps. Could not load tags. Prettier works quite well for a monorepo. With a index.ts that exports all of the components and shared utils. I prefer this to the default option, which shows the output from each script separately, but sometimes it collapses the output, which can cause us to miss important information. The ui-shared is made in the likes of but my package is of course much bigger. Most solutions presented so far for the JavaScript/TypeScript monorepo have taken advantage of common JavaScript tools, frameworks and libraries. npm. Almost any kind of infrastructure that can be deployed on any of the popular cloud platforms can be defined in Terraform, and there are plenty of examples and documentation available. Its full-stack because our repo contains a full-stack project. Essentially, instead of having one tsconfig.json file in our project, we will have multiple ones, one for each module. We need to do one little tweak to our Next.js configuration to make it work with all our local dependencies. Could not load branches. Promise.all() is a method in JavaScript that you can use to resolve your Promsies in parallel. Apparently, according to the benchmark, its 3x faster. by running the TypeScript compiler in watch mode). Read this link). Its always a good idea to validate user input in both the frontend and the backend because you never know when a user might bypass your frontend and hit your REST API directly. Thankfully it can be configured as easy as Prettier for a monorepo. We need to add a reference to our shared project and update our project names. The parameter accepts either the name of the package (in this case, @suzieq/validatorhelper) or the path (./packages/ValidatorHelper ). Typically, npm will have a separate copy of the packages for every project you have installed on your computer. pnpm has a very efficient method of storing downloaded packages. This demo project will be named SuzieQ. Skip to contentToggle navigation Sign up Product Actions Automate any workflow Packages rootDir , outDir and composite settings must be specified. To have a single tsc to rebuild changed packages (but keep the others as-is)? Solution 1:Begin with deleting all files in node_modules\@suzieq . It has quite a few noticeable improvements over both of them, including faster package installation, a non-flat node_modules structure, disk space optimization, and, what we care about, built-in monorepo support. You can also download the zip file here, or use Git to clone the code repository: Now, open a terminal and navigate to the directory: Lets start by walking through the creation of a simple multipackage monorepo with pnpm, just to learn the basics. Note that if you want to have any shared React components, you will need to add React as a dependency to this project. We can create them in our terminal with the following commands. Follow to join 2.5M+ monthly readers. Each local package has its own configuration, such as, Each package will be placed in a subfolder inside the folder, The monorepo config will be stored in the root (i.e. In section 5, well talk about the magic that makes it possible to share these packages without publishing them. Sign up for our free weekly newsletter. You need to commit this generated file to version control. Its a repo because its a code repository. Likewise it is easy to use esbuild. There are many ways to develop, deploy and test Node.js lambda functions. --stream enables streaming output mode. Here is the simple structure well create: We have a workspace with a root package and sub-packages A and B. ["@myproject/package1", "@myproject/package2"]. $ pnpm create vite admin --template react-ts, $ pnpm create vite client --template react-ts, will break the template before long so there will definitely be some ongoing work to keep this template working. Only additional configuration we need to provide is to use the plugin [@yarnpkg/esbuild-plugin-pnp]( so that esbuild can resolve external dependencies from the local Yarn cache. This guide refers both to remote packages (located on the internet and probably developed by someone else than you) and local packages. For example, in the root workspace, we can invoke start:dev just for the frontend, like this: We can target any script to any sub-package using the --filter flag. You signed in with another tab or window. Im always looking for ways to be a more effective developer. This guide shows the step by step to manully setup a monorepo with NPM + TypeScript. Use that script to directly trigger the HTTP POST route that adds an item to the to-do list. Coding tutorials and contemplations on leadership and philosophy. In this example, we can build all TypeScript projects (we have three separate TS projects!) Only tweak required to make this work is to configure the Prettier plugin for ESLint (see example .eslintrc.json). You can view this in the demo repo, which Ive linked at the end of the article. Q: I cannot run npm install axios --workspace=@xyz/abc. Bit uses pnpm under the hood but automates a lot of the things that are currently done manually in a traditional workspace managed by pnpm/npm/Yarn. The example shared package well discuss here is a validation code library that both frontend and backend use to validate the users input. For instance, when using TypeScript and/or React, we need to ensure that source files are transpiled into JavaScript before running tests. next-transpile-modules requires us to provide it with a list of all local dependencies, e.g. I wonder if it maybe possible to write a Yarn plugin to achieve the same (there is already one for TypeScript). You should try running these build and clean commands in your own copy of the full-stack TypeScript project. It returns a Promise with the results of the promises passed in. Please find the complete script for this here: getLocalPackages.js. No, it will work anyway. By declaring these in one central folder, dependencies do not need to be downloaded multiple times. While simple, I hope that this example shows you the potential of using a monorepo for your TypeScript projects. We can issue this one command and start both our frontend and backend at the same time! We also saw how we can share code between our apps. You are an admin.. First, we should install our root package dependencies. This section can be repeated as many times as necessary. Manlikeakins JavaScript Teaching Challenge, Day21: JavaScript Dates: An Introduction. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. In addition to this, Yarn 2 ('Berry') gets rid of the dreaded node_modules folder that is conventially used in Node.js to save dependencies locally. Similar to Jest, it is very easy to use Webpack in a monorepo configured to use TypeScript project references. Open a package.json and add a reference to a local (already existing) package with the following. Add the following configuration options to it. Here, we will configure all the different projects that well have. Then, we can be sure they are both on the same page regarding the data structures being passed between them. This blog post comes with working code that you can try out for yourself on GitHub. Just open ./src/index.ts and add this, and youre good to go. Nothing to show Lets add a new file here called index.ts. In your App.tsx file, lets create a new admin user and add a button to greet the new user. b) If youve chosen to use the name of the package (as stated in the packages package.json), make sure you copy it perfectly (including the slash). Conclusion. The TypeScript version of the validation library contains interfaces that define a common data structure shared between frontend and backend: These types are defined in the index.ts file from the validation library and are used in the frontend to validate the structure of the data we are sending to the backend at compile time, via HTTP POST: The types are also used in the backend to validate (again, at compile time) the structure of the data we are receiving from the frontend via HTTP POST: We now have some compile-time validation for the data structures we are sharing between frontend and backend. Now if we run the admin app and navigate to that page in our browser, you should see our header and our button. There's an article about bit install that talks about it: Painless Monorepo Dependency Management with Bit. Chiefly, using this approach will conflict with any packages that depend on reading files directly from their node_modules folder. You should see some items in the to-do list. I dont know about that; to me, pnpm feels 10x faster. In this guide, I will briefly go through the challenges and solutions for each one of these. This is optional, but I think its the best way to easily see all the output from both the frontend and backend at the same time. Now I believe I have finally arrived at a solution that has minimal remaining workarounds and works well for smaller and larger projects. We can add package B to our monorepo in the same way as package A. Add this line to your package.json: The updated package.json file looks like this: Now that we have linked our root package to the sub-package A, we can use the code from package A in our root package: Note how we referenced package A. It doesnt run it on packages that dont implement it, like the validation package, which isnt a startable package, so it doesnt need that script. Next.js is a very powerful framework for React development and it is not too difficult to make this framework work in a TypeScript monorepo. A meta repo has the convenience of a monorepo, but allows us to have separate code repos for each sub project. Add some more local packages of any type before moving on to the next section. :), a) If youve chosen to use the path to the package, make sure it exists. Its a side note, but packages as used for a developer usually refers to packages downloaded from the internet by npm or yarn. Q: I cannot run npm install axios --workspace=@suzieq/apple. This works just fine, but for the sake of simplicity, that feature isnt used here. The React use hook would let use resolve promises within our React components and hooks, including on the client. To have it inherit from our base, we need to add the following line to it. A: So the workspace setup seems OK, but the submitted name of the workspace isnt found. Once again, run the app and click the button. That sure sounds relevant, so let's give it a try! Next, create a new file called pnpm-workspace.yaml. This diagram shows the layout of the basic project with packages A and B: We have learned how to create a basic pnpm workspace! Before we create those however, we need to setup our base tsconfig.json file. Very important to me was being able to use Terraform, which I believe provides the most 'standard' way to define infrastructure as code. The most 'serverless' way to deploy a backend using functions would be to use different functions for different endpoints. LogRocket works perfectly with any app, regardless of framework, and has plugins to log additional context from Redux, Vuex, and @ngrx/store. Dependencies cached by Yarn as zip files. While the monorepo templates generated on the Goldstack site have already been downloaded hundreds of times, there has so far been not much engagement on GitHub. Otherwise I think most improvements can be made with respect to configuring the infrastructure in the template projects (see issues #3, #5, #10). If you just want to get started with an already fully configured TypeScript monorepo for your convienience, consider using one of the open-source templates on Its also possible to use npm, see below. It will automatically apply to all packages in the monorepo. Lets start with our admin app. Open up the file and add the following lines to it. AWS Lambda is well suited to deploy backend application code from a monorepo. We can then use these packages in our code: So far, pnpm isnt any different from npm, except (and you probably wont notice it in this trivial case) that it is much faster than npm. I spent so much time sitting and waiting for it to finish and thinking, there must be a better way! Have you ever worked on a project where each app that was a part of it was in a different repository? Look in the example code repository under fullstack/backend/test/backend.http for a VS Code REST Client script, which allows you to trigger the REST API with an invalid to-do item. Or maybe you have some code that youd like to share between projects, but dont want to deal with having to set up and manage an NPM package. pnpm. Usage Workspace. One can simply define a .prettierrc file in the root of the monorepo and run Prettier using that configuration file. In this monorepo I have a NextJS app that uses a ui-shared package (local shared code, not actually an npm package). Support npm,yarn, pnpm, lerna, rush. Verify the success by checking that only a single node_modules folder exists at the monorepo root. Adopting tools that support me and avoiding tools that hinder me is a key part of being a rapid developer, and is a key theme in my new book, Rapid Fullstack Development. A: The value of the name field is used more than once in one of the package.json :s found in one of the subdirectories of packages. It seemed to be getting slower and slower. The main issue remaing with respect to TypeScript project references is that these need to manually maintained. Open up the file and add the following lines to it. They allow breaking up a large project into multiple smaller modules that can each be compiled individually. Its the same files that will be produced if tsc is run at the monorepo root. A Node.js package is a project with a package.json metadata file in its root directory. In this file, we will have an interface representing a user and a function that shows an alert to greet the user. If you dont have pnpm setup already on your system, head on over to for details on how to install it for your system. It creates symlinks under the node_modules for each shared package. Note that the reference template and templates generated by Goldstack can be used without these tools for infrastructure and deployment. Now we can create our actual tsconfig.json. Now, all our local packages are immediately available without any changes to any files (want to know more about this? Ashley Davis is a software craftsman and author. One can simply define a .prettierrc file in the root of the monorepo and run Prettier using that configuration file. Normally, to share a package between multiple projects, wed have to publish it to npm, but this would be overkill if the package were only going to be shared between a small number of projects, especially for proprietary or closed-source projects. Open the monorepo root ./tsconfig.jsonand add the references section as shown below. Please tell me if Im missing something! Make sure the name parameter of --workspace can be found in a package.json :s name field: This error can be caused by several things. However, I have always been somewhat unsatisifed with my solutions - with them often involving clumsy workarounds and issues that would prevent them to scale up to larger projects. However, we still need runtime protection from misuse, whether accidental or malicious, by our users, and you can see that the call to validateTodo is still there in both previous code snippets. Simply do not use the script and replace them with your preferred way to define infrastructure and deploy. What is a full-stack, multipackage monorepo? npm will optimizations in node_modules where it removes the scope name from the directory name. Add the following lines to your new package.json file. Did you ever want to create one project, but with local packages? The difference, though, is that the TypeScript project also has type definitions. Drawer This is how I have mine setup and it works well for my projects. In order to develop code for a Lambda function, there are two things to consider: bundling and local testing. Again, the --stream flag produces streaming interleaved output from each of the sub-scripts. Note though that when enabling this option you will need to ensure that TypeScript files are recompiled when they are changed (e.g. You can do this with pnpms --filter flag, which targets the script to the requested package. Running one test in 2s - not too bad considering how bad things can get with Jest if it is not configured correctly. In this article, we looked at how to setup a monorepo using pnpm. If you prefer to decrease control, basically the same result can be achieved through: Now, this is super important. pnpm is an alternative to npm and yarn. This simply causes pnpm to continuously display the full and interleaved output of the scripts for each package in your terminal. Given this, I implemented a collection of lightweight scripts that allow standing up infrastructure in AWS using Terraform and perform deployments using the AWS CLI or SDK. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Prettier is a great tool for maintaining consistent formatting in a project. When using Yarn workspaces, we also need to ensure that Jest is able to resolve local dependencies. npm does a similar thing, so its not really that exciting, but I think pnpm wins here because it provides more convenient ways to run your scripts across your sub-packages. pnpms support for sharing packages in workspaces and running scripts against sub-packages, as weve seen, is also great. While I mentioned in the beginning of the article that I am relatively happy with the current state of my reference TypeScript monorepo template, I still think there are a couple of things that can be improved. Brock's Bytes is my weekly newsletter where I send an email containing c) Are the outDir setting tsconfig.json matching the main setting in package.json ? So after each time, a local package has been created (or really, a package.json has been created/modified) then go to the monorepo root and run npm install (and optionally check node_modules for the updated link). The default setup for each project is fine. Each piece (read: local package) of the product will have its own folder with its own package.json , tsconfig.json but use the monorepo's node_modules. ESM modules that are not yet supported in Yarn 2, long compilation times in large TypeScript projects. Clicking the button should give a page alert with the text Hello, Admin User! All we need to provide is the pnp plugin for esbuild. Though I started using pnpm for its renowned performance (and I wasnt disappointed), I quickly discovered that pnpm has many special features for workspaces that make it great for managing a multipackage monorepo (or even a multipackage meta repo). pnpm has a "workspaces" facility that we can use to create dependencies between packages in our monorepo. Using a monorepo for a full-stack project can be very useful because it allows us to co-locate the code for both the backend and the frontend components in a single repository. To see how this is set up, take a look at the scripts section in the root workspaces package.json file: Lets look at the script start:dev, which is used to start the application in development mode. main. Instead of guessing why problems happen, you can aggregate and report on what state your application was in when an issue occurred. You can see in the backend code how it uses the validation package to reject invalid to-do items: One thing that makes pnpm so useful for managing a multipackage monorepo is that you can use it to run scripts recursively in nested packages. Insights for developing lean applications with ease and my musings on life and leadership . The monorepo contains both frontend and backend components, a browser-based UI, and a REST API. Next, create a ./tsconfig.json with the following content. See above. Yarn workspaces enable to create projects such as the following: Yarn enables to run a simple yarn add [localPackageName] that will add one local package as the dependency of another. More information on monorepos and the technology used for this example can be found with the links below. Lets move on and examine the more advanced full-stack monorepo. Not covered by this guide: Building production builds this guide is focused on the developer experience :), .. and the tools of course, npm and tsc . In the client app, open up the App.tsx file and update it with the following code. Instead of a monorepo, it could also be a meta repo, which is a great next step for your monorepo once its grown too large and complicated or, for example, you want to split it up and have separate CI/CD pipelines for each project. Without workspaces, we probably would have used a relative path like this: Instead, we referenced it by name as if it were installed under node_modules from the Node package repository: Ordinarily, to achieve this, we would have to publish our package to the Node package repository (either publicly or privately). Goals There will be just one node_modules folder (in the root of the monorepo). I've written a couple of posts about how to set up JavaScript and TypeScript Monorepos over the past three years (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7), and I kind of thought I had it all figured out - but I didn't. npm will automatically process any package.json found under packages and create a link between node_modules to this folder. Colorful Monorepo can help you to improve the development efficiency of your Monorepo project to some extent. I have a PNPM with TurbeRepo monorepo, used this template. The files section is missing in tsconfig.json . All we need to do it point ts-jest to the respective tsconfig.json file for each package (see example jest.config.js). ts-jest will also ensure that any error message will reference the line numbers in the source TypeScript files. The first one well create is tsconfig.base.json. Either devDependencies or dependencies is broken. The frontend and backend packages do implement start:dev, so when you run this command they will both be started. Solution 1: This section is missing in the monorepo package.json : Solution 2: Have you actually spelled the name correctly? Nothing to show {{ refName }} default View all branches. tsc will build in the order listed, so this means you have to have some knowledge around dependencies between packages.

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