attitude era wrestlers who died

Fans couldnt be blamed for not recognizing a man who they remember fondly with bright green hair. It started during the Monday Night Wars, a period in which WWF's Monday Night Raw went head-to-head with World Championship Wrestling's (WCW) Monday Nitro in a battle for Nielsen ratings each . Immediately before the Hart vs. Michaels match, a video package debuted the Attitude promo that included the first WWF "scratch" logo. It's a me, Mario! 10 Wrestlers WWE Wrongfully Fired In The Past: Where Are They Now? A very large man, Viscera was pushed to the top of the card as King Mabel, even challenging for the WWE championship at SummerSlam. Either way, wrestling lost a truly talented individual at only 33 years of age. In 2005, Candido competed at TNA Wrestling's Lockdown event and fractured his tibia and fibula in a cage match. [93] Hardcore matches were no-disqualification, no-countout, falls count anywhere matches, involving a variety of weapons. Unfortunately, that dream soon dissipated when he passed away due to a drug overdose in 2009. You can also view the above list filtered by wrestlers who passed away before age 50. That said, if the wrestling industry is actually responsible for killing any of these people, its probably The Renegade. On the August 14 episode of Raw is War, Undertaker faced Chris Benoit in a match, where Kane turned on Undertaker by chokeslamming him through the ring, and the two feuded with each other again. ', "Steven Richards discusses the politics of Right To Censor", "TV Watchdog Apologizes for False Claims On Wrestling", "Vince Russo Biography of Vince Russo the Former Head Writer of WWF Monday Night Raw & WCW Nitro", "Vince Russo Reveals What Vince McMahon Said to Him That Made Him Leave WWE", "WWE News: Former WWE TV writer Chris Kreski dies of cancer, age 42", "Kevin's Random Reviews: WWF No Mercy 2000", "Turner Drops Wrestling in First Decision by Its New Chief", "Smackdown! [2], A little over a month later on June 10, 2002, Stone Cold Steve Austin failed to appear on that night's episode of Raw and was effectively dropped from the company; similar events had allegedly taken place in the prior weeks stemming from Austin's frustration with his character's direction. She was 48 years old when she died of an overdose in her home in Florida. The video game entitled WWE 2K16 featured some events of the Attitude Era specifically related to Stone Cold Steve Austin, who was also on the game's cover. Instead of his classic long hair and beard, it looks as if Spike has switched to a shorter cut and a clean-shaven face. After the Invasion angle fizzled so did Kanyon's career, however. However, there was one particularly iconic moment where Duffy played the central role, albeit under a different name: "Santa Claus." Moondog Rex Eventually, the three teams were brought together in a physically demanding and chaotic triangle ladder match at WrestleMania 2000 for the WWF Tag Team Championship. After WCW went out of business, Tuite again changed his name, reappearing in the newly founded NWA: TNA as "Malice" and challenging for the NWA World Championship. Angle would go on to win the 2000 King of the Ring tournament to be crowned the 2000 King of the Ring. Dozens of wrestlers got their start or used the unique period of time to forever launch themselves into the minds of wrestling fans. [17] The actual start of the Attitude Era itself is unclear, with moments from Steve Austin's "Austin 3:16" speech at the 1996 King of the Ring[18] to Vince McMahon's speech on the December 15, 1997 episode of Raw often being referenced. Had things just gone a little bit differently in 1999, the career of Test could be much more fondly remembered than it is today. Triple H then continued his feud with Mr. McMahon by marrying his daughter Stephanie McMahon and defeating McMahon at Armageddon. Women like Sable, Terri Runnels, Debra and The Kat couldn't wrestle a competent match but were used on television weekly for their looks. Volume 4, 1997: Dawn of the Attitude, was released on October 3, 2017. The Attitude Era of the WWE was the most successful period of time for the company when it comes to the number of eyes on the product. Few wrestlers have as memorable a look as X-Pac with his long curly hair and his classic durag/headband. Critics of pro wrestling have a whole lot of complaints about Nelson Frazier, who competed in the WWE Universe as Mabel, Viscera, and Big Daddy V, not to mention a short run as The Worlds Largest Love Machine. However, while the haters are gonna hate, the sheer number of names Frazier used while in wrestling speaks volumes on his versatility as a performer. Jeff Sharp is a freelance writer from Parts Unknown. At the time, he was on vacation with his new girlfriend who just so happened to be his brother-in-law Bruce Hart's wife. The huge French-born wrestler, who was more than 6ft by the age of 12, died aged 46 in 1993. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Search by ring name, real name, cause of death, organization, time period (2000s, etc) or specific year, Heart Attack / Heart Failure / Heart Disease, Comprehensive Deceased Wrestlers List (text-only), Comprehensive Deceased Managers List (text-only). His generally angry demeanor seems to have been traded for more smiles as he works as the head trainer over at NXT. He was 44. D-Generation X formed on August 11, 1997 edition of Raw after Hunter Hearst Helmsley (Triple H), Chyna and Rick Rude helped Shawn Michaels win his main event match against Mankind. ; The Rock, the first third-generation superstar of the WWF, and the headlining face of the company . Upon his return, The Undertaker introduced his Ministry of Darkness, a satanic-themed stable which eventually consisted of The Acolytes (Faarooq and Bradshaw), Mideon, Viscera and The Brood (Edge, Christian, and Gangrel). He died on September 22, 2004 of a heart attack. In the Invasion storyline, Shane McMahon (kayfabe) acquired World Championship Wrestling (WCW) in April 2001 and WCW personnel invaded WWF. Chris Candido had a short stint in WWE as one half of the Bodydonnas. [82] During the match, Lita captured the attention of viewers by mimicking Rios' moves, notably the moonsault and hurricanrana. Following the April 2, 2001 edition of Raw is War, The Rock departed on hiatus from the WWF due to the filming of The Mummy Returns as The Scorpion King. [51] After failed attempts at winning the championship, Triple H and Mankind challenged then WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin to a triple threat match at SummerSlam, which featured Jesse "The Body" Ventura as the special guest referee. Austin once again defeated The Rock to regain the title and also joined forces with his nemesis Mr. McMahon. Owen Hart was a big name in the 1990s but didn't necessarily get his due in the Attitude Era. No BS. Regardless of this fact, both fit the role perfectly during their run in ECW, where they were one of the most brutal and popular tag teams Philadelphia had ever seen. [94] This rule has allowed the shortest title reigns and quickest title changes in WWE history, and four women held the Hardcore Championship: Molly Holly (as Mighty Molly), Trish Stratus, Terri Runnels, and one of The Godfather's hos. [59] She would become a prominent member of D-Generation X, and besides competing in the women's division she would regularly compete against male wrestlers in intergender matches. Jerry Lawler returned to the company after a nine-month hiatus, after his replacement on commentary, Paul Heyman, was fired on-screen by Vince McMahon. Instead, the people to blame were the WWE writers, who introduced her by way of an utterly ridiculous gimmick where she was the mother to Beaver Cleavage, a new character portrayed by the former Headbanger Mosh. 24 2021. theory of understanding psychology. WWE's Attitude Era was arguably the most successful era in company history with the plethora of talent that WWE had at their disposal. Much like Chyna, Bass was portrayed as a woman who could compete with men. Though he kept working for WCW over the next year, he soon became too weak to continue working, succumbing to his disease not long after that in 1999. The use of Sable as an on-screen character was increasingly sexual, including competing in the first "bikini contest" against Jacqueline. Before the Attitude Era ended in 2001, Wight had won the WWE championship. Unfortunately in 2009, he was released from his WWE contracts it was later revealed that he was fired after his second violation of the company's wellness policy, along with turning down a rehab stint. That gimmick is likely burned into the minds of Attitude Era fans, but he looks quite different today. They put in place a Wellness Policy and announced they would pay for drug and alcohol rehab for any former employee who needed it. In December, Kane joined The Corporation to stay out of the insane asylum. A fresh take on sports: the biggest news and most entertaining lists. Austin again wrestled McMahon in 1999 at St. Valentine's Day Massacre in a steel cage, which he won when the debuting Big Show accidentally threw him through the cage wall, thus earning a world title shot at WrestleMania XV where Austin defeated The Rock, where he also defeated him in rematch at Backlash. While wrestling fans may remember the name Albert, and WWE fans may even recognize the man from his brief return as the dud known as Tensai, Matt Bloom is a different man. Chyna made her WWF debut on February 16, 1997 at In Your House 13: Final Four; her character emerged as a plant from a ringside seat, choking Marlena while Goldust was in the ring with Triple H.[57] Her original role in the promotion was as the laconic enforcer/bodyguard for D-Generation X which was founded by Shawn Michaels and Triple H. She often helped them (then, a rising villain) cheat to win by physically interfering in matches by executing her trademark low blow to the groin. Seeing no other options, he committed suicide in 2003. Unique lists featuring pop culture, entertainment and crazy facts. After losing a steel cage match against Sycho Sid in an attempt to win back the WWF World Heavyweight Championship a week later, Bret Hart angrily shoved McMahon to the mat and went into a profanity-laced tirade. However, Hildebrand was also a pretty small guy at 56, so he decided that instead of being a wrestler, hed serve as their referee. WWE wrestler, Rosey, performed in WWE from 2002 to 2006. Appearing in promos filled with gross sexual innuendos, the Cleavage family was a huge bomb from day one, leading to a quick revamp where Mosh again changed his name to Chaz, and his mother became his girlfriend, going by her real name. Additionally, both Raw and SmackDown! He was eventually released by the promotion in 2004. McMahon sought to prevent Hart from leaving the WWF as its champion, and proposed having Hart lose to Michaels at their scheduled match at Survivor Series on November 9. The feud between the two also involved some of the most iconic moments of the Era, including Austin driving a Zamboni to the ring to attack McMahon, Austin visiting McMahon in a hospital, Austin filling McMahon's Chevrolet Corvette with cement, and driving to the ring in a beer truck and spraying McMahon with beer. The Rock got a rematch at St. Valentine's Day Massacre, in a last man standing match for the chance to headline WrestleMania XV as the WWF Champion. An autopsy showed the wrestler died of acute heart failure which some have suspected was due to . Balls Mahoney died in his home on April 12, 2016, while watching Jeopardy with his wife. Throughout the McMahon rivalry, McMahon founded two heel factions: The Corporation and The Corporate Ministry. In January 2000, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn left WCW for the WWF. (1999), WCW Monday Nitro (1995) and WCW Saturday Night (1985). [98] Having lost several advertisers,[99] the campaign forced the WWF to change the content portrayed on their programming, in particular SmackDown,[100] with McMahon saying that there would be "less aggression, less-colorful language, less sexuality", and controversial characters would be appearing less frequently. When Jolly Old Saint Nick made an appearance on Monday Night Raw, he instantly became Austins next target. His pompous, clean-cut appearance during that era was something that he abandoned later in his career. [66] She left the WWF on November 30, 2001, several months after she had been taken off of television. She was 48 years old when she died of an overdose in her home in Florida. Despite all the success, Crash became extremely depressed after leaving WWE, mostly due to an impending divorce with his wife. According to the Toronto Sun, she was able to use "sex appeal, looks and serious wrestling moves" to become famous beyond wrestling,[73] and was named by AOL as the "most downloaded woman of the year". [5] The WWF Women's Championship, which lay dormant since 1995, was reactivated in 1998. Before Spicolli and the future WWE Hall of Famer could square off at Souled Out 1998, though, Spicolli unfortunately relapsed to his past behavior as a drug addict and overdosed on Soma and wine. After chasing McMahon around the ring, Austin responded by using Rock's signature move, the Rock Bottom. Later on in the night, he betrayed his long-time friend and fellow D-X member X-Pac by helping Shane McMahon retain the European Championship and joined The Corporation, turning heel in the process. Painkillers, human growth hormone, and unhealthy lifestyles were killing wrestlers in the 90s and early 200's at an unprecedented rate. Wild, loud, and out of control, Luna was unlike any other female grappler in history, screaming her way through violent promos and threatening to eviscerate her pretty little opponents. After the Rock 'n' Sock connection broke up, The Rock went back into the main event picture of the WWF, battling the likes of Triple H and his stable, the McMahon-Helmsley Faction. In late 1999, Parents Television Council (PTC) founder L. Brent Bozell III began a campaign to pressure companies to pull advertising from WWF programming,[96] due to the content becoming characterized by "cheap sex, vulgarity and violence of the most sadistic sort". Originally villains, they became fan favorites during the summer of 2000, with Guerrero dubbing her his "Mamacita". Worse than that, he wasnt even that great a wrestler, making it impossible for Wilson to stand out in the role. The Attitude Era ended circa 2001, meaning more than 16 years have passed since WWE was at its peak. When he returned to the WWE in 2001 and he did so as one half of the KroniK tag team. 10 Forgotten Attitude Era Wrestlers Fans Wouldn't Recognize Today, 10 Former Male Employees WWE Likes To Ignore, 5 WWE Bromances We Loved (And 5 We Didn't), 10 Cringey Moments From Sting's Wrestling Career Fans Should Know, 10 WCW Wrestlers Who Disappeared When Vince McMahon Bought The Company, SmackDown Winners and Losers: Sami Uso And Uncle Howdy Steal The Show, How Andre The Giant Humbled The Ultimate Warrior In WWE, Why Several WWE Wrestlers Have Refused To Work Their Saudi Arabia Shows, 10 WWE Championship Screwjobs We Forgot About, 9 Samoan Wrestlers Not In The Anoa'i Family. The video game first entitled WWE 2K14 featured some of the four WrestleMania matches based on the Attitude Era as well, with WrestleMania XIV and XV having previously appeared in WWE Legends of WrestleMania prior to their appearances in WWE '13 and WWE 2K14. Currently, his son is training to become a professional wrestler. Distinguished stables established in this era, such as D-Generation X, The Nation of Domination, The Corporation, The Ministry of Darkness, The Corporate Ministry and The Brood among others developed major rivalries among each other. [9] The creative side of the product during the early stages of the era in 1997 was spearheaded by Vince Russo, who drastically changed the way WWF television was written. [83], In June 2000, the trio began a storyline with "T & A" (Test and Albert), with Lita engaging in a rivalry with their manager, Trish Stratus. [21] Austin and McMahon were featured in numerous segments leading to a match between the duo on April 13, 1998, episode of Raw, Austin and McMahon were going to battle out their differences in an actual match, but the match was declared a no contest when Mick Foley (as Dude Love) interrupted the entire contest. attitude era wrestlers who died attitude era wrestlers who died. [131] World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. officially became World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (WWE) and replaced its old logo with a new "scratch" logo with only the double "W" and a red scar underneath. Eventually, Vince McMahon brought back Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall to reunite the nWo at the No Way Out pay-per-view in February 2002. Despite Mankind being the WWF Champion, he gave the Rock one more shot at the title in a ladder match on Raw. Unfortunately, British Bulldog's death was coming at a time where premature wrestling deaths were all too common. Luna Vachon was arguably the most respected female wrestler on the roster . On April 28, 1998, WCW's Nitro event was held at the Norfolk Scope in Norfolk, Virginia, while Raw was held nearby at the Hampton Coliseum in Hampton, Virginia. Unfortunately, Awesome's career faltered after he was released from WWE in 2002. [42], The Rock had a lengthy feud with Mankind, who won the title on an episode of Raw in January 1999. He had actually been hospitalized due to his heart condition a few years prior to his death. Vince Russo is credited with inventing the "Crash TV" format of shorter story based TV matches with no matches going into commercial, no matches going over 8 minutes except a main event, skit-heavy, personal reality-based television that took stories and rivalries beyond the scope of an arena which led to peak cable ratings and profitability for the WWF. The first high-profile acquisition was that of Paul Wight, who wrestled as "The Giant" starting in 1995. The 1996 King of the Ring tournament saw Austin's first usage of "Austin 3:16", the major marketing tool for WWF during the era. Crash Holly's death in 2003 was ruled a suicide via alcohol and prescription drugs. After retiring Furnas and his wife ran a group home for abused boys, but unfortunately a heart attack would take his life at only the age of 52. The Rock", "The SmarK Rant For WWF Royal Rumble 2001", "Chyna dead: Five surprising facts about the WWE legend's action-packed life", "Eddie Guerrero (Sept. 4, 2000 November 23, 2000)", "Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship", "PORN TO PRISON: The rocky life of WWE diva Sunny", "She's Got a Lock on Roles in and Out of Ring", "Full Career Retrospective and Greatest Moments for Sable", "Two women just changed pro wrestling forever", "Full Career Retrospective and Greatest Moments for Lita", "TJR Retro: WWF Raw Deal 08/21/00 Review (Lita vs. Stephanie McMahon Main Event)", "Celebrating the 10 Greatest WWE Moments of Stephanie McMahon", "Trish Stratus Talks Retirement, Barking Like a Dog, Having A Backup Plan, More", "Chris Jericho's first WWE Championship reign", "From The Shelf- WWF Survivor Series 1999", "The chaotic chronicles of the Hardcore Championship", "Remembering the Hardcore Title Under 24/7 Rules", "Mae Young and the Dudley Boyz powerbomb", "More WWF advertisers cave to public pressure", "Why 'Wrestlemania' can no longer be ignored", "World Wrestling Federation Clamps Down on 'Smackdown! The World's Most Entertaining Car Website. Mankind won the match by pinning Austin. This was their final match, as the Big Show interfered in the match and chokeslammed Mankind off the ladder, leaving the Rock all by himself to win the match and headline WrestleMania XV as WWF Champion. His most successful stint came while using the Umaga character from 2005 to 2009 in WWE. [85] On an episode of Raw on the August 21, 2000, Lita defeated McMahon in the main event for the Women's Championship, the first time two females had featured in the main event of WWF's flagship show. Before then, he had a brief stint in WWE during 1995 and 1996 as an evil version of Santa Claus known as Xanta Claus. When WWE got a look at her while she was in ECW, they knew they wanted her on their programming. Hildebrand performed this role to great acclaim in WCW, ECW, and SMW, also occasionally wrestling in that last company as a Ninja Turtle parody character named "Kowabunga." Following a series of taunts from Bearer and Kane, who cost him the WWF Championship at the Royal Rumble, he agreed to face Kane at WrestleMania XIV. Were unable to stand out in the McMahon rivalry, McMahon founded two heel factions: the Corporation single-brand Full beard condition leading to Vince temporarily being banned from the promotion Heavyweight. Been as popular with the WWE in 2002 mostly due to a drug overdose in 2009 and Benjamin Morris FiveThirtyEight. Popularity greatly increased was assigned to each brand nemesis Mr. McMahon by marrying his daughter Stephanie McMahon defeating! On one occasion title and also joined forces with his knees the.. Trying to lose weight by walking over 570 miles [ 36 ] Austin would. Lifestyles were killing wrestlers in WWE from 2002 to 2006, Kurt angle defeated Stone Cold & quot kayfabe: // '' > the 20 Icons of the Era pretended Chaz beat her in horribly In 1998, when WCW was sold to WWE in 2001 and he wrestled on SmackDown a feud his. 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attitude era wrestlers who died