eleocharis geniculata

3rd Ed. The flowers are covered with dark greenish-brown bracts. acicularis 2009 Sedges of Indiana and the Adjacent States, The Non-Carex Species. 1998, amended. The fungal component of a lichen absorbs water and nutrients from the surroundings and provides a suitable environment for the alga or cyanobacterium. View a List of All Ecological Communities, For more information, contact: Richard Wunderlin or Bruce Hansen, Alan Franck, or Karla Alvarado, 2022 Institute for Systematic Botany|Data last modified:11/3/2022, A member of the University of South Florida family of PlantAtlas.org websites. Plants that perform their entire lifecycle within a single growing season. 7: 3. Eleocharis geniculata Catalog Number 1397614 Scientific Name Eleocharis geniculata Family Cyperaceae Collector W.C. Brumbach Collector Number 8271 Event Date 1973-03-19 Continent North America Country USA State/Province Florida County Lee Locality Eastern Sanibel. Eleocharis geniculata Catalog Number 1397600 Scientific Name Eleocharis geniculata Family Cyperaceae Collector L.N. Eleocharis bella: 4 Varietas gracilescens Svens. It is commonly found growing in single clumps in fresh water and brackish marshes nearly throughout Florida. Culms to 45 cm 0.2-1 mm. Wiss. Category I - Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida. Spikelet shortly ovate to almost globose, usually 3-4 x 2.5-3.5 mm, 20-50-flowered. The fruit is a shiny purple-brown achene not more than 1 mm long. It is an annual spikesedge growing to a maximum height of about 40 centimeters. It is suitable as a background plant, and can further be planted in front and in the centre of the aquarium, in transparent wads, in order . Eleocharis geniculata (L.) Roem. Origin: Native Growth Duration: Perennial Obligate Wetland. Pukapuka: fieldspecimen, 2/2004, G.McCormack with ID as Eleocharis geniculata. & Schult. A voucher specimen is a pressed and thoroughly dried plant sample deposited in a herbarium, and is intended to be a permanent record supporting research purposes. Facultative Upland. 2: 150. Glumes 2-3 mm long, greyish below, brown . Data Update History (information): zTX, zB02, zM02 Plant species commonly found in the outer deep zone, and designated either FACW or OBL by DEP. Eleocharis geniculata images from PIER For example, matching the full name exactly in a Scientific Name search for Piptochaetium avenacioides may be difficult, but strings of either tium aven or avenaci or m avenac or pipto will all result in very small lists of matches. Eleocharis geniculata (Linnaeus) Roemer & Schultes, var. 2: 150. References: p.1402 Wagner et al.- Flowering Plants of Hawaii p.1/240 A.C.Smith - Flora Vitiensis Nova p.22 Wilder - Flora of Rarotonga p.397f Whistler - Ethnobotany of the Cook Islands. Edited. State Status: X - Presumed extirpated (legally 'threatened' if rediscovered) Ch thch Lin kt ngoi. 488pp. View county names by placing the cursor over the map. 5277: 1903-10-4: San Bernardino: Santa Ana River. Taxonomy information for Eleocharis geniculata. Sources include: Wikipedia.All text shown in the "About" section of these pages is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.Plant observation data provided by the participants of the California Consortia of Herbaria, Sunset information provided by Jepson Flora Project.Propogation from seed information provided by the Santa Barbara Botanical Garden from "Seed . Stemserect, wiry, to 16 in. The stems hold inflorescences of rounded spikelets each containing at least 10 tiny flowers. Facultative Wetland. Swink, F. and G. Wilhelm. & Schult. Obligate Upland. 1937. Each species' global rank is determined by NatureServe. 1918. Lectotypified by Furtado, Gard. Taxonomic Study of Genus Eleocharis R. Br. dispar (E. J. Hill) Fernald, Rhodora 8: 129. IPNI nomenclature info for Eleocharis geniculata Facultative. A large group of seedless green plants including the mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. Veg. name coll. Eleocharis geniculata l loi thc vt c hoa trong h Ci. dispar (E. J. Hill) S. F. Blake, Rhodora 20: 24. ;Bulbostylis geniculatus (L.) Steven, comb . The global rank reflects the species worldwide rarity. California Native Plant Society, Berkeley. Sheath grey above, purple below, ending in a short triangular acute lobe with thinner hyaline margin. Parvulae), terminating rhizomes or among culm bases. Elzinga, C.L., D.W. Salzer, and J.W. [1] Observed by admin at Hassan District, Mysore, India; Tank near Dandiganahalli. Genus: 1: 204. 1817. TYPE: TEXAS: Without data, Buckley s.n. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. & Schult. & Schult. Eleocharis geniculata. Kirchner. Outer Deep Species. [2] The name is derived from the Greek words ( heleios ), meaning "marsh dweller," and ( charis ), meaning "grace." [3] Members of the genus are known commonly as spikerushes or spikesedges. Eleocharis geniculata information from the Smithsonian's Flora of the Hawaiian Islands 2018 . 60-120 in Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, Biota of North America Program 2013 county distribution map, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eleocharis_geniculata&oldid=1011003701, This page was last edited on 8 March 2021, at 14:24. These records do not reflect the Field Museum's current viewpoint but rather the social attitudes and circumstances of the time period when specimens were collected or cataloged. 2014. Leaves: distal leaf sheaths persistent, firm, distally tightly sheathing, apex acute.Spikelets orbicular to ovoid, 1-9 1-4 mm, apex rounded to acute; proximal scale without flower, not amplexicaulous; floral scales to 125, 11-14 per mm of rachilla, tightly appressed, dark red-brown to stramineous, ovate to elliptic . Authors: [2]Kllor The more familiar lichens grow slowly as crusty patches, but lichens are found in a variety of forms, such as the tall, plantlike reindeer moss. tall;leaf bladesnone, just sheaths;sheathtop pointed;inflorescencea single spikelet;spikeletovoid, to 3/16 in. 2: 251. A. Schultes - Capitate Spikerush, Canada Spikerush Citation ELEOCHARIS GENICULATA (Linnaeus) Roemer & Schultes, Syst. For each species, lists of natural communities were derived from review of the nearly 6,500 element occurrences in the MNFI database, in addition to herbarium label data for some taxa. minor Vahl, Enum. 2002. Veg. Eleocharis geniculata - Wikipedia Eleocharis geniculata Paghimo ni bot Lsjbot. Road-grass, and two or three other species, are also known as the so-called viviparous spikerushes. Scirpus brownii Sprengel, Syst. 174pp. inadmiss. Eleocharis genicultais found growing in full shade and the complete opposite of the full sun. It is commonly found growing in single clumps in fresh water and brackish marshes nearly throughout Florida. Godfrey, R.K. and Wooten. Synonym: Eleocharis caribaea Common Names: Capitate Spike Rush Family: Cyperaceae Habit: Eleocharis geniculata grows as a clumping herb that produces rhizomes. 1906. Hill) Fern. Distribution Map: Based on vouchered plant specimens from wild populations. Equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands (estimated probability 34%-66%). County and Jepson Region polygons can be turned off and on using the check boxes. Perennial wildflowers re-grow each season from overwinter root material. [2] [3] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Straits Settlem. BASIONYM: Eleocharis dispar E. J. Hill 1882. Occurs almost always (estimated probability 99%) under natural conditions in wetlands. unclassified Eleocharis Fuireneae Actinoscirpus Actinoscirpus grossus Bolboschoenus Bolboschoenus caldwellii Bolboschoenus fluviatilis . National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), 6701 Democracy Boulevard, Bethesda MD 20892-4874 301-594-8966 Uses of Eleocharis geniculata? Occurs in wetlands in another region, but occurs almost always (estimated probability 99%) under natural conditions in non-wetlands in the regions specified. Images of Eleocharis geniculata provided by the Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk project (PIER). Any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. Show these synonyms only. Disclaimer: The Field Museum's online Botanical Collections Database may contain specimens and historical records that are culturally sensitive.Some records may also include offensive language. Eleocharis is a virtually cosmopolitan genus of 250 or more species of flowering plants in the sedge family, Cyperaceae. 2(1): 99. The Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH) is an online resource that provides immediate access to the wealth of plant specimen information held by Australian herbaria. Willoughby. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx. A plant that is typically vegetative its first year and blooms the following season. Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. Transition Species. Photos from Calflora / CalPhotos. Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type; Eleocharis capitata var. 1842. Scirpus caducus Delile, Descr. Illustrated Companion to Gleason and Cronquist's Manual. Eleocharis acicularis subsp. is the name of a plant defined in various botanical sources. Second edition. Wet sandy, marly borders of ponds in northwestern Washtenaw Co. and northeastern Jackson Co. Nat. Emersed, they look like but small but normal spikerushes. 27: 564. Egypte, Hist. Usually occurs in wetlands, but occasionally found in non-wetlands. long, scales rounded;nutletstiny, shiny, dark. Wetland Status, Department of Environmental Regulation (DEP): Source - Delineation of the Landward Extent of Wetlands and Surface Waters, Chapter 62-340, Florida Administrative Code. A relatively small, annual spike-rush of marshy lakeshores and low ground; forming tufts with erect to spreading, delicate stems 0.5 mm thick or less, ranging from 3-20 cm, achenes 2-sided and styles 2-cleft, summit of leaf sheaths not split, with shiny, dark, purplish achenes not over 1 mm long including the tiny tubercle, US Status: No Status/Not Listed 225. You searched for: Eleocharis geniculata . Only plant populations vouchered by specimens deposited in Index Herbariorum http://sweetgum.nybg.org/science/ih/ recognized herbaria are represented on this map. BLM Technical Reference 1730-1. The mutualistic symbiotic association of a fungus with an alga or a cyanobacterium, or both. Eleocharis geniculata (Linnaeus) Roemer & J. Tufted annual with crowded stems; stems 5-40 cm long and 0.6-1.2 mm thick, terete or angular. The Integrated Taxonomic Information System ITIS provides authoritative taxonomic information on Eleocharisgeniculata, as well as other plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world. Source - Florida Invasive Species Council's 2017 List of Florida's Most Invasive Species. 477pp. All roots, stems, and leaves die at the end of the growing season. Site examination for Threatened and Endangered plant species. (holotype: PH). (syn: Bulbostylis capitata (L.) Steven, comb. This Cyperaceae article is a stub. Collection Code Angiosperms Institution Code MICH Modified 2016-3-13 ID Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Southeastern United States. Bras. Eleocharis geniculata [1] r en halvgrsart som frst beskrevs av Carl von Linn, och fick sitt nu gllande namn av Johann Jakob Roemer och Schult.. Eleocharis geniculata ingr i slktet smsv, och familjen halvgrs. The National Wetland Plant List: 2014 Update of Wetland Ratings. Plant species designated as FAC or Upland by DEP, but commonly seen in the transition zone in limited numbers. Nomenclatural information about Eleocharis geniculata is provided by The International Plant Names Index (IPNI). Illustrations of the vascular plants of Northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. on 11 November 1971 1824. Usually occurs in wetlands (estimated probability 67%-99%), but occasionally found in non-wetlands. 1817. DEP: Department of Environmental Protection, Filter by County - Counties to Include - ANY versus ALL, Filter by County - Counties to Exclude - ANY versus ALL. This page uses Google Analytics 2. CAS-BOT112731: CAS: Eleocharis . Virtual Herbarium ALTB. From Flora of Indiana (1940) by Charles C. Deam. 9, t. 6(2). Eleocharis geniculata (Canada Spikesedge) is a species of annual herb in the family sedges. Loi ny c (L.) Roem. Garlic mustard is an example of a biennial. Plant Range. Common Name(s): Annual spikerush. Links from this page include descriptive information about the species, as well as worldwide distributional information and general information about the genus. Scirpus caribaeus Rottbll, Descr. The leaves are reduced to a reddish sheath with an apiculate tip at the base of the stem. According to Swink and Wilhelm (1994), the species is no longer extant in the Chicago area, but persists in nearby areas in Indiana, where the typical associates include nut-sedge, spike-rush, rush, Canada rush, Kalm's lobelia, common water-horehound, beak-rush, and arrow-grass. Flora Hrvatske, na podruju Hrvatske na 56.594 km na popisu je 4354 biljne vrste, od ega 3853 autohtone s 90 endema. Also called. 921pp. This is a widespread plant of wet areas in the Americas, Asia, Africa, Australia, Madagascar, and some Pacific Islands. BASIONYM: Scirpus caribaeus Rottbll 1772. National Museum of Natural History Object Details Biogeographical Region 81 - Caribbean Collector Emery C. Leonard Microhabitat Description Gravely bed of stream Record Last Modified 31 Oct 2017 Specimen Count 1 Collection Date 25 Feb 1920 to 28 Feb 1920 Barcode 00951644 USNM Number 1075148 Place Limnochloa geniculata (Linnaeus) Nees von Esenbeck, in Martius, Fl. Rare Plant Surveys: Techniques For Impact Assessment. Occurring into the southern United States and disjunct in the Americas, Asia, Africa, Australia,,. Geniculata ( L. ) Steven, comb thin erect stems: the Morton Arboretum thin branches eleocharis geniculata 2009 Sedges of Indiana ( 1940 ) by Charles C. Deam Conservation and Management of and Tightly sheathing, apex acute demonstrated disruption of natural Florida communities of herbicides, and two or other! Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities approximately 50 cm of water and brackish nearly 2-3 mm long, scales rounded ; nutletstiny, shiny, dark among culm bases is an name. Sedges of Indiana and the plant Observatory < /a > 0.2-0.5 mm in diameter limnochloa geniculata ( L. Roemer! Have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida communities: San Bernardino: Santa Ana. By which you wish to search ( Scientific name Eleocharis geniculata with fen associates spikerushes! 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Also grow in home gardens free-swimming sperm that require water for transport reddish brown in part English < a href= '' https: //www.aquagreen.com.au/plant_data/Eleocharis_geniculata.html '' > Eleocharis geniculata ( Linnaeus ) Roemer amp L. ) Roem lower part, o.5-3 cm long and 0.6-1.2 mm thick, terete or angular home?

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eleocharis geniculata