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why did nora forge her father's signature

Krogstad reveals that Nora's Dad did not sign for the bond, for he was dead already. This act illuminates the feminine issue in the play. The gas was stored in a.container (pressure). Why did Nora forge her father's signature? He did sign them Read the extract below from DOLLS HOUSE and answer all the questions that follow. What does he do as he leaves her house? I thought they were forbidden here. I will think it over; we shall manage to hit upon somethingNora: That is nice of you (goes to the Christmas tree; a short pause) How pretty the red flowers look, but tell me, was it really something very bad that this Krogstad was guilty of?Helmer: He forged someones name. Examine this statement with close reference to the short story, Sandra Street by Michael Anthony. The Play, Henrik Ibsen, A Dolls House. (ii) He dares to stroke the lion. She would have to mail her father the document, which would take a while and Torvald would get worse. Dr.Rank. See how sour he looks right now. what was Torvalds idea of saving money and managing it, Noras mental estate (its uncontrollable all over the place). Helmer must know all about it. What is ti you would so much like to say if Torvald could hear you? once in a way That's so, isn't it, Doctor Rank? What does Nora prefer to have on Christmas? (Puts the bag of macaroons into her pocket and wipes her mouth.) (walking about) I am tremendously happy. Use the correct preposition to fill the blanks. I suppose, Mrs. Helmer? "No, not all, for one old Crow rose up and said, "For my part, I don't want the Owl to be our king. Nora Helmer's Clever Side . My position is this. In the sentences below, give the nouns that are used as adjectives. Hush! ) How did Nora Helmer save her husbands life? and the other half goes to repaying her debt. The report underscores the need to establish a strong secondary education that will further strengthen the capabilities that primary education established.It stresses the need to improve the relevance and quality of post primary education by teaching students the practical knowledge, thinking and behavioral skills demanded by the labour market. The ban on cultivation along river banks and indiscriminate felling of trees for charcoal burning must be enforced.Apart from that, steps should be put in place towards revocation of all irregular allocation of government forests to individuals. I shall be obliged to remind you of a few details.Questions a) What happens just before this excerpt? He also scold at her about how it is bad to lie. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follows. Helmer: That is like a woman! Answers (1). I am not so heartless as to condemn a man altogether because of a single false step of that kind.Nora: No, you wouldnt, would you, Torvald?Helmer: Many a man has been able to retrieve his character, if he has openly confessed his fault and taken his punishment.Nora: Punishment -?Helmer: But Krogstard did nothing of the sort; he got himself out of it by a cunning trick, and that is why he was gone under altogether.Nora: But do you think it would -?Helmer: Just think how a guilty man like that has to lie and play the hypocrite with everyone; how he has to wear a mask in the presence of those near dear to him, even before his own wife and children. Fill the blank spaces using the correct form of the verb in brackets. Rank: (shrugging his shoulders) Yes, there you are. Nora: Papa died on the 29th of September. Read the extract below from DOLLS HOUSE and answer all the questions that follow. Linde: Listen to me Nora you are still very like a child in many things, and I am older than you in many ways and have a little more experience. Almost everyone who has gone to the bad early in life has had a deceitful mother.Nora: Why do you say .. mother?QUESTIONS a) Explain the events that lead to this excerpt. (i) We need to buy a radio. He did the same thing that Nora did and is a hypocrite for blaming Nora of a crime that he has committed. Nora: Just now. 5 Who is Noras husband in a dolls house? In addition, Krogstad would lose his job. To show that Nora tries to change the topic and so she can basically suck up to him by telling him she would be nothing without him, so it gives a happier mood to the plot of the story. There is another reasonwell, I may as well tell you. 'True beauty lies in our natural environment.' Krogstad informs Nora that her forgery is a serious offense, similar to the one that sullied his reputation in the . 2. (NORA is silent) Can you explain it to me? The same little featherhead! A friend of ours, who comes hereevery day! She did not want her husband to worry her sick father. This man, Nils Krogstad, is the person from whom Norahas borrowed hermoney. Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow. b) Identify three styles that are used in the excerpt. Answers (1) The Play, Henrik Ibsen, A Doll's House. But I am quite sure that if I told Doctor Rank- Mrs. Linde: Behind your husbands back?Nora : I must make an end of it with the other one, and that will be behind his back too, I must make an end of it with him.Mrs. I don't know Krogstand: The discrepancy consists, Mrs. Helmer, in fact that your father signed this bond three days after his death. Behavioral skills include such traits as perseverance, self-discipline, teamwork, the ability to negotiate risks.The report also still highlights the enduring role of what it terms basic skills which is literacy and numeracy-ability to read, write and count. Much later, as Torvald learns that Nora risked breaking the law by forging her fathers name on the loan so that she could save her husband, Torvald is unforgiving and appalled that she could do such a thing and bring shame to his name. Explain the use of irony in this excerpt. She signs her father's signature to a loan document, although her father has passed away. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow. Using illustration from the story Margaret A. Ogola, The River and the Source Linde: Still I think the sick are those who most need taking care of. Nora: 'What do I care about tiresome Society? Mrs. Linde: Listen to me Nora you are still very like a child in many things, and I am older than you in many . She has received such attitude both at her father's home and at her husband's one. Investments in adolescence are needed to make earlier investments during childhood pay off a hundred fold. Linde: Yes, that is what I told you yesterday, but-Nora : ( walking up and down) a man can put a thing like that straight much easierthan a woman.Mrs. (i) His __________ (deceive) cost him his life. You can't see them just now, for they are out with their nurse. Is that not so? Answers (1), Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follows.Mrs. c) Nora says that this is the first Christmas that they need not economize. When the monkeys had promised to water all the young trees faithfully, the gardener gave them the water skins and the wooden pot with which to perform the task.After the gardener had gone, the Monkeys took up the water skins and the watering pot and began to water the young trees. Then you must give plenty of water to those which have long, deep root. If that's the cross look he wears when he is happy, how will he look when he is angry? Fill the blank spaces using the correct form of the verb in brackets. (i) Something is smelling awful. Linde: Of two things I think. Why did Nora forge her father's signature? These basic skills are needed for further learning, work and life. g) What does Mrs. Linde thinks Nora is concealing from her? 5. The answer, purely and simply, is because she loved him. I will wait here until Helmer comes; I will tell him he must give me my letter back-that it only concerns my dismissal-that he is not to read it.Mrs Linde: No Nils, you must not recall your letter.Krogstad: But, tell me wasnt it for that very purpose that you asked me to meet you here?Mrs Linde: In my first moment of right, it was. Nora: Yes, tremendous! Linde: (Smiles sadly and strokes her hair). Then you must give plenty of water to those which have long, deep roots, but less to those with short roots. Do you remember that? Issue No. c)Using information in the second paragraph, summarize how impunity, has led to environmental degradationd)How does power rationing affect economic growth? We cannot afford to interfere with the water catchment areas of the great rivers of this country because they are our lifeline. If Torvald could hear me. This may be the Nora we first meet, but we soon learn that she has been leading a double life. But, look here; your father has dated his signature the 2nd of October. Why is it called a doll's house? She forges her father's signature to obtain the loan because she does not want to trouble her father either, who is very ill himself too. Inquisitive and always posing and seeking answers to problem situations or processes. Write an essay in support of this statement using illustrations from Margaret Ogolas The River and the Source. (i) If I had money, I ______ (buy) a computer. b) Identify and illustrate any two themes evident in the excerpt. Its our environment, our country, our heritage. (d) What is Mrs. Lindes view about Doctor Rank and Noras relationship? However, she could only take the money out of her allowance and her allowance was given to her to purchase clothing, and if she did not, than Helmer could grow suspicious. 6. All these things? Nora talks joyfully about her love for Torvald, and Torvald refers to Nora using affectionate pet names. We have both had to work. Mrs. Linde. This should be coupled with replanting of trees on all deforested government land and intensified practice in agro-forestry. Mrs. Linde: You spent a whole year in Italy, didn't you? 'But there is one thing I can do in any case and I shall do it at once.' Read the oral narrative below and answer the questions that follow. iii. What did the word"Doll'' In the title represent Nora as? Mrs. Linde: Yes, anyhow I think it would be delightful to have what one needs. (c) From the dialogue, what do we learn about Noras character? Helmer yells at Nora for lying to him about the fact that someone was at the house while he was away and that man was Krogstad. Mrs. Linde: Shocking? It sometimes happens, Nora. This unhappy secret must be disclosed; they must have a complete understanding between them which is impossible with all this concealment and falsehood going on.Krogstad: very well, if you take the responsibility. a) What is it that Nora claims to have signed? In addition he is given a commission of 5% Read the passage below and answer all the questions that follow. The foregoing demonstrates the integral role of Early Childhood and Primary and Secondary cycle plays in crating the foundation for higher education in tertiary and Universality education. Nora does leave her husband at the end of Act III after she is forced to face his true nature and realizes how selfish he is. b) What does this excerpt reveal about Krogstad's character? It is then revealed that she forged her father's signature in order to get the money. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage.i) At any cost ii) Recall iii) Elapsed iv) Incredible things , The Play, Henrik Ibsen, A Dolls House. Krogstad: Your father was very ill, wasn't he? Nora is portrayed as a doll throughout the play until she realizes the truth about the world she lives in, and cuts herself free. Nora: Well, haven't I been paying it off regularly? Mrs. Linde: Your husband? Krogstad, a morally diseased man who works for Torvald, also uses Nora to gain a higher position at work. Her father's: Author of "A Doll's House" Henrik Ibsen: Why did Mrs. Christine Linde marry her husband who has now died? Why did Nora forge her father's signature? Nora: Well, Torvald dear, have you got rid of him? And then I gave you the money. 10. 'Becoming an illegal immigrant is like jumping from the fire. Nora: Yes; odds and ends, needlework, crotchet-work, embroidery, and that kind of thing. All came together in a massive tree planting exercise. Hermione felt the screams rip from her throat, felt the blinding pain wrack through her bones and flesh. Nora: Papa died on the 29th of September. (A little later, he opens the door and looks into the room, pen in hand.) Linde: Something has happened to you since yesterday morning. Also because she does a better job of taking care of Helmer than he does for her. B. So he called the monkeys and asked them to water the garden. If necessary, I am prepared to fight for my small post in the Bank as if I were fighting for my life.Nora: So it seems Krogstad: It is not only for the sake of the money; indeed, that weighs least with me in the matter. So he called the Monkeys and asked them to water the garden. What does Krogstad reveal about the bond used to secure the loan? Answers (1), Read the following excerpt then answer the questions that follow.Krogstad : Are you sure of that?MrsLinde : Quite sure, but Krogstad: (with a searching look at her) Is that what it all mean? (b) For what reasons has Krogstad visited Nora? Nora: If that were to happen, I don't suppose I should care whether I owed money or notHelmer: Yes, but what about the people who had lent it? I have never had such amazing piece of good fortune in my life!' A Newsletter of Ministry of Education. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Rather, she has been scrimping and saving to pay off a secret debt. Have you any idea what that means?Nora: Isnt it possible that he was driven by necessity?Helmer: Yes; or, as in so many cases, by imprudence. Explain.b) What does this excerpt reveal about Krogstad's character? The relationship between helmer and Nora's father..she was a mare doll there to entertain them. c) Using about fifty words, summarise why Krogstad is prepared to fight for the small post in the bank (5mks)d) Identify and illustrate any two character traits of; i. Krogstadii. Linde: And comes here every day?Nora : Yes, I told you so.Mrs. I am laughing at something quite different, something extremely amusing. But, look here; your father has dated his signature the 2nd of October. One of the plausible explanations why Nora has become a feminist is the description of conditions in which she lived. Thinking skills include conceptual, critical and creative skills. To save her husbands life. What negotiation skills will you employ to ensure an amicable resolution is reached.e) Put the words below in correct column according to pronunciation of the vowel sounds.school, floor, you, write, oar, night, Date posted: August 6, 2019. Linde:Yes, as a matter of course.Nora : And can tear it into a hundred thousand pieces and burn it up- the nasty dirtypaper.Mrs. Suspicion Aware Main Character Problem Years ago, when her husband became ill, Nora forgedher fathers signature to receive a loan that would help save Torvalds life. Nora forged her father's signature on the loan document she gave to Krogstad. The birds chose a Turtle Dove to be their king, and then flew to their homes.i) You have been asked to narrate the above story to a group of young people. Nora was in debt, and she needed to make payments on time. Fill in using appropriate prepositions.i.

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why did nora forge her father's signature