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cultural practices examples in agriculture

1. One such species is the praying mantis, which feeds on almost any type of insect, from larvae to adults. These activities reduce the cost of soil preparation, increase the efficiency of harvesting, and reduce erosion and other problems associated with agricultural practices. However, constant or constant or continuous tillage makes the soil loose and easily eroded. Maize, sorghum, melon, cowpea, groundnut, soya beans, okra, millet, cotton etc. Thinning should be done when the soil is moist. It is used foreclose, growing crops such as rice. Cultural practices are all the activities carried out on the farm before, during and after planting of crop seeds or seedlings.They air classified into pre-planting, planting and post-planting operation. Cultural Practices in the farm are all those activities that take place before, during, and after field cultivation and planting. Low-priced auto insurance rates are generally hard to get after a cancellation. This could be done by means of simple farm implements like ploughs, harrows or ridgers could be used in tilling the land. Supplying: This is the replacement of dead seedlings with other planting materials, so as not to allow the creation of unnecessary spaces. Staking is a cultural practice that removes the roots of plants and trees. Therefore, the farmers observations should be accurate. Sawdust. 52. This is done either manually by hand-picking or by use of mechanical means like simple harvesters, combined harvesters, mechanical reapers, etc. Understanding habitat requirements of specific arthropods can help in the design of landscapes that either encourage or discourage their populations. 9. Staking is the act of providing stakes or certain plant or wood to enable the crop plants stand erect and prevent lodging. This kills many weeds. Copyright 2022 fabioclass knowlege home | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme, is incorporated into the soil during tillage operations, thereby increasing, 6. Seeds too small to be planted directly or at stake or in the site are produced through nursery.2. This is also called multiple cropping because it involves the planting of more than one type of crop on the same farmland at a time. 4. Proper care is given to crops so as to escape pests and diseases attacks.4. Where die polythene bags are used, they should be cut off carefully before putting the plant into the ground. One thing Id prefer to say is the fact car insurance termination is a dreadful experience so if youre doing the suitable things being a driver you simply will not get one. this should be mixed thoroughly with the soil. erecting cover to shield seedlings from sunshine is a typical example of cultural practice in crop production. 4. (iv) bed: This should be a Special bed used for initial growing of crops before transplanting to the field or root bed us^ growing crops to maturity. Agroforestry and food forests 6. A control program is enhanced whenever one can utilize as many methods of control as possible. Many nuisance pests are present due to physical characteristics of the local environment. It leads to efficient utilization of labour. Insect pests damage plants by feeding on them. Examples of crops that usually require pruning are cocoa, oil palm, rubber, orange, mango, etc. Culture is the set of behaviors and habits that define a particular society. What are Cultural practices in plants? Copyright 2022 fabioclass knowlege home | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme, cultural practices are the total activities carried on the farm during, ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AFFECTING AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, factors affecting the expansion of industries, mineral resources and the mining industries, LIFE CYCLE OF TICK AND HOW TO PREVENT IT FROM SPREADING, PESTS AND DISEASES OF MAIZE AND HOW TO CONTROL PESTS OF MAIZE, NATURAL RESOURCES IN NIGERIA AND THEIR ROLES, THE NIGERIAN NATIONAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION (NNPC), Common Diseases of Pigs and how to manage them, Types of response, irritability and response to stimuli. In preparing the nursery bed, compost manure is added.About six (6) head-pans are added to every 9m2 of the nursery bed.The compost should be well rotted or properly decomposed.Poultry droppings (Guano) can also be used. The cultural traditions that persist over time include ways of rearing children, ways of behaving towards relatives and friends, traditional holidays and what you do on those holidays, how to treat men and women respectfully, who is friend and who is foe, how to treat elders, what to eat, etc. This is because there are always food and alternative hosts for them. Manures of various types (organic or inorganic) are applied to the soil to improve plant growth, development and production.They are applied both in the nursery and permanent plot. Reduces evapo-transpiration. In some instances, processing starts from the farm site.For example, the extraction of melon seeds from the pods and pulp. (e) Crops likely to be affected by the same disease and/or pest should not follow each other on the same plot. Most cultural practices in agriculture have been invented by people who live in tropical climates. This may be a result of incorrect observations, gendered household domains, or differing views of varietal quality indicators. Before planting, farmers perform various activities to make the land level. 4. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Broccoli and Summer Heat. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In addition, cultural practices can be beneficial to the environment by conserving water and minimizing the use of pesticides. The trees are chopped into pieces. Housing and construction. Preserving or removing these plants can have a dramatic effect on populations of these species, and planting or introduction of new host plants will cause shifts in the arthropod species present and their abundance. This will help to avoid burning. It has a conically shaped top or rest or triangular shape. Soil preparation, for example, is a cultural practice. When correct planting distance is observed, it enables crops to have high yields, as the nutrients and water available would be enough for the crops. Tillage PracticesLand tillage is the operation that follows after the land area has been cleared, stumped and plotted. Shade, moisture and structure (cracks and crevices) profoundly affect arthropod populations favored in those habitats. However, farmers observations may not be completely accurate. The decayed products increase the water-holding capacity of the soil.Mulching provides ways of utilizing waste products from crop production, e.g. Spacing refers to the distance within and between crop plants in a farmland. This is why specific period of the year is recommended for the growing of various crops in the different parts of Nigeria and West Africa, for example, early maize is planted in the South between late February and April, late maize in August/September while it is planted June in the North. Pests and disease agents may persist on the farmland. Animals could be used to draft the plough during tilling. 2. What are beliefs examples? This is because herbicides can be used. (4) At the end of one season, shift the crop from plot B to A, C to B, D to C and A to D as shown in Figure 3.2.1. It encourages build-up of crop pests and disease agents. Seeds are planted after a few days in drills. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In the rain forest belt, cutlass may be required for brushing the under growth while axe, motor saw or chain saw and cutlass are used to fell the trees. Planting Operations: This is the actual planting of the seedlings, seeds or the propagation materials. It affords the farmer a variety of crops. It prevents, direct heat of the sun. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. v. Harvesting: This is the act of collecting mature crop products from the field, either for immediate consumption, processing, marketing or storage. Animals could be used to drag ridger for ridge making.Ridging is done normally across the slope of the land to prevent it from being washed away by erosion. Certain cultural practices are invaluable in reducing plant disease losses. An identification form is available to submit insect and mite samples. It is essential to ensure that crop products are processed properly before they are used. 1. To provide a suitable growth medium, thee parts of good top soil, two parts of properly decayed compost (not hot) and one part of river sand are mixed together and put in each box. This situation can be detrimental to the survival of natural enemies that control indoor pests. Among the Xo Dang, adaptation strategies are the use of flora and fauna indicators, the use of native plant varieties, and adjustments in planting calendars and irrigation practices. Agricultural Development Project.Research Centres. Pre-Planting Operations: These include all forms of operations/activities, carried out in the farm before planting can effectively take place. The system combines mixed cropping with continuous cropping and is mainly practiced by institutions of learning. 2. The ease of transporting farm produce and sale also guard the choice of a farm site. The correct date of planting should be celebrated so that farmers can reap the full benefits of their efforts. They may also tunnel into petioles (leaf stalks) and stems and consume entire plants.Recently damaged plant parts will have freshly damaged edges. An example is the growing of maize and together. Chemical pesticides are killing our agriculture and encouraging many problems in human being. Dietary preferences and culinary practices. Pests are organisms that feed on parts of a plant therein causing damage. you can read my post on tillage systems here. i. Spacing and Planting: Spacing refers to the planting distance allowable for each crop specie, between inter-row and intra-row plants It varies from one plant specie to another. Though, a farmer may choose to use it in vegetable production, but the ball of earth system is more advisable, root system may be necessary if seedlings are to be transported to far places. It is a good practice where land is scarce. This is measured from the top or crest of one ridge to the other. 29 Examples of the Agriculture Industry. After harrowing it may possible to grow crops such as rice which do not require seed beds or ridges. It is advisable to transplant in the evening or during a dull day. Natural pest management 10. Before planting: Late yam is sown between March and July, June or November around the riverine areas as early crop. iii. Pricking: Removal of seedlings at two-leaf from pre-nursery with nursery. . For example, maize should not follow maize. Using the climate data collected, the Xo Dang has developed strategies to deal with the negative effects of climate change. The ensures efficient utilization of labour throughout the year. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Quick Navigation for Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Farming Methods 1. Excessive use of pesticides and fertilisers in agricultural practices can give a high production of crops, but it causes soil and air pollution at the same time. It varies from one crop type to another. Having the main reasons for auto insurance canceling can help individuals prevent losing one of the most important privileges obtainable. Agriculture is the art of cultivating the land for food and other products. stubble mulch. They include choice of site, bush clearing, burning of trash, mound making, mulching, nursery preparation, pricking out, thinning and hardening. dont forget to use the comment box and leave a message or suggestion and we will get back to you within seconds. 3. ii. The other important factor is the yield. Listed below are some of the most important cultural practices for your crops: Late sowing reduces the number of flower-bearing nodes per stem and increases the number of flowers per plant. post-planting operation. Forms of artistic expression. cassava should not follow yam, or to follow maize. This done to make cultivation easier and free from obstruction. This can be done either by hoeing, hand pulling, the use of cutlass or by chemical method which involves spraying the weeds herbicides cover crops could be planted to smother weeds. It also limits the effect of temperature fluctuation on crops. In addition, different reference systems may reflect differences in local pressures, group preferences, and other factors. The Xo Dang culture in agriculture is closely interwoven with the peoples folklore and cultural identity. Pre-planting operations as cultural practices These are operations carried out before sowing. A farmer can grow a variety of crops and save money on these crops by using genetically improved planting materials that are resistant to common diseases and pests. (iii) Flat seed bed: This is used in low rainfall areas or periods or level and well drained land. ECTO PARASITES163. An example would be cultivation for weed control. Crop production is an unsaturated market that is growing in demand. Capping The practice of using dry grasses or pieces of wood to cover the spot where yam sett or seed yam is planted either on ridge, mound or1 flat is called capping. Planting Site Selection of a good planting site and proper planting methods are essential to the long-term health of plants. It may be practiced to help dispose cleared vegetation. It also allows space for carrying out cultural practices such as weeding fertilizer application pest control and so on. Heirloom and older varieties 8. Traps can also be used to eliminate pests such as rats, grass cutters, birds and some insects.Chemical method can be adopted if the wants farmer to control pests.It involves the use of chemicals called pesticides to spray crops infested by pests in order to kill them Poisoned bails are also used to kill animals such as rats and grass cutter through feeding.In some cases, natural enemies of insect pests can be introduced to feed on the pests in order to reduce the population in a farming area or zoneThe control of crop diseases is an important post-planting activity in order to have good harvest. This helps to preserve the roots and minimize shock in seedlings. This is guarded by: (a) The nature of the land (Topography): This is, whether the land is hilly or level. The tricot approach is a useful method to observe the correct date of planting. 5. (c) Availability of inputs such as labour and planting materials: The workers to be employed that will work in the farm must be available in the area where the farm is to be located.Crop planting materials should also be available. A bed generally is a raised top soil with square or rectangular flat top. (a) The same type of crop should not be allowed to follow each other on the same plot. (a) Heap: This is a built up small cone shaped hill usually less than 60 cm high. The soil contains all the essential nutrients for the growth of crops and boosting its productivity through cultural practices is very beneficial. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. When organic mulches decay, they add to the nutrients in the soil thereby increasing production. b. iii. 2. DISEASES3. Here are some important tips that you can follow to increase the seed rate for your crops. This is used mostly under large scale farming. This is a vital industry that is important to the food security of every nation and region. For example, a person may believe that killing is bad or consuming alcohol is bad. However, it may be necessary to construct set beds or ridges for other crops such as yam,tomato and groundnut after harrowing.This will necessitate the exact operation which is ridging. This small-town society practices animism and worships spirits related to life and food. Watering practices can be a major contributor to changing habitats. During weeding, unwanted plants are removed to avoid competition with crops for food, water, light, space, etc. Fact Sheets - Cultural Practices. By establishing an area-wide host-free period, farmers can avoid the invasion of a specific pest. Too much and too little water and fertilizer can cause plant stress. cultural management. When these elements persist undisturbed, populations of these organisms may persist. Weeding or weed control is done regularly on farmlands in order to prevent competition with crops for space, sunlight, nutrients, soil moisture, soil oxygen, etc. Extension entomology programs provide identifications, fact sheets and publications. 2. The soil is checked to about 7.50 cm deep from the top soil. Pruning encourages better canopy formation, more light penetration and improved air movement. The ash, after burning helps reduce soil acidity as well as the incidence of soil pests and diseases. Your email address will not be published. 2. You can read some of most interesting topics below, LIVER FLUKE162. The authors speculated that the increased aeration and exposure of foliage may have enhanced photosynthetic activities and subsequently, increased fruit size. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. WeedingThe major problem facing farmers in crop production is weed control. 3. (5) Follow this sequence until the fourth year is reached. Cultural practices are a set of cultural and social activities that people use to communicate, educate, and express themselves. They are also called cross-bars. The term is gaining in importance due to the increased controversy over "rights of cultural practice", which are protected in many jurisdictions for indigenous peoples and sometimes ethnic minorities. If not, then they may become unusable, rotting, or otherwise contaminated. It is usually expressed in kilograms per hectare, when seeds are used for planting. Physical methods of insect control include light, heat and humidity. In one year, the plant grows a lot more than the normal amount. Stems are tied or trained to the stakes. A belief is usually a generalization. Stumping cultural practice This cultural practice is the removal of plant stumps and roots from the soil, it is a tedious operation.The practice is usually, avoided in small scale private farms. What are 5 examples of cultural? Green manure crops 7.Irrigation practices and others Roughing Strip farming Trap and decay crops Burning crop residue Fertilizers usage Time of sowing Sanitation Mogili Ramaiah Follow Advertisement Recommended Cut off carefully before putting the plant grows a lot of money Nigeria, Mound root Lifting seedlings with earth or soil around the riverine areas as early crop is closely with! Normal amount adopt staking practices to increase the cost of production that you sight to Not afford the farmer to construct permanent structures such as rice which do not require beds! 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cultural practices examples in agriculture