physical development essay

Physical Development during Early Adulthood (2012).Development and Education: Biophysical Development. During this stage a lot of growth takes place, especially physical growth. Brain growth and cognitive skills continue to increase in complexity, building on the development made in the toddler years. (Christina J. Groark, Stephanie K. McCarthy, Afton R. Kirk, 2014) Children are able to communicate better with others as they have the ability to process their own, Children between these ages are more confident with movement and have developed a higher motor and physical skill within the activities, that take place in a school ( Writing, Cutting, Drawing) and home environment (Running, Playing sports- Kicking, Throwing), Physical development is physical growth of the body. Physical development also supports a child's personal social and emotional development. My gross motor skills at this age actually began to improve and I began to develop at a somewhat normal rate. Moreover, for this age group in fine motor skills which is movement patters a child is expected to pick small objects up, cut paper, hold a pencil, catch a ball (Boyd & bee, 2010). As a teacher interacting with the small children, it is necessary to identify the concerns of the children at this age as this is the only way through which their development can be easily enhanced. It is needed for both coordination, the thought process and for muscular strength. When observing the young boy physical development his gross motor skills are very strong. Physical activity also has positive effects on the development of the finer motor skills of an individual. The second law is the baby's . Their outdoor skills such as running, skipping, hopping, kicking ball, and climbing becomes much more skilled., My activities for developing fine motor skills are cutting with scissors in combination with sequencing events in order. Teddy let out a . It is mainly important for the people within an age range of around twelve to twenty-one. Physical Activity for Preschool Children Essay. A young child who is involved in various physical activities is likely to be stronger and more resilient than one who does not (Lecture 2, 2012). The most important message that was received from the episode is that children learning development doesnt happen in one aspect and the more environments the child learns in, the better for increasing advance learning. Password recovery email has been sent to, Don't waste time. Children in the schooling years are usually at a stage where they acquire the motor skills, both gross and fine skills. Why is being physically fit important essay? I did not roll over on my own until I was about six months old and sitting on my own occurred about a month later. The physical development that occurs in children in the middle childhood phase are changes in both body size and proportion. She is a female and eight years old. It was not until ten months of age that I began to crawl, and I did not walk until I was about fourteen months. As children grow they are given many skills, and as they age those skills continue to develop. There are various developments that occur at this tender age. There are certain age groups where childrens development will rapidly occur and then begin to slow down. It . They can then derive ways of incorporating them into the class activities so that they can earn to interact with others. For example, a six-month-old baby learns how to sit up with some support, a 12-month-old baby learns to pull up to a stand holding onto furniture, and a five-year-old learns how to skip., Refined motor skills start in the infancy stage and again carry on into the childhood stage, From 0-3 years is a period of great physical development. Physical Development My personal physical development in the stage of infancy was below average. This essay will focus on development in the physical realm and how the development can be enhanced through the classroom setting. To develop early motor skills, clap an infants hands, wiggle his or her fingers, teach the infant to form the number 1 with his or her fingers. Things like stacking blocks, walking without help, and Push or pull things begin to develop during the early childhood stage., To develop an infants motor skills, allow them to explore their environment and encourage them to do activities which involve physical activity. People did not talk down to me, less attention was focused on me, and the age gap somehow vanished. On the bright side he is only three going to be four and his fine motor skills will improve as he age and will reach adult maturity by the end of his middle childhood. Puberty, as defined in the Webster dictionary, is the period during which the reproductive system matures. This time is very vulnerable for the development of the babys organs (Holt, Rinehart & Winston). Also, it shows that parents may have jobs and other family members can help the parents (grandmother picking Sid up from, He often Recently, I notice that he talks alone, and enjoys pretend play, which considers normal for preschool age. Childrens sight develops (born with very poor sight) leading to telling the difference between colours. View complete answer on The doctor suggests to give him a guidance to help him to stay on track., King, Personal Communication, October 4, 2016). Infancy is the period from birth to 18-24 . 2019. Skills such as creating a safe working environment, using tools safely and effectively and wearing safety glasses. Cognitive development is the growth of an adolescence ability to think and reason. To assess her gross and . Since birth, a human being goes through various stages of development. 3. Early Physical Development Discuss early physical development in infancy and the factors that influence physical growth. Learn about the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional milestones that children reach as they grow. the activities should be guided in an informed manner so as to develop a specific part of the individuals body (Lecture 2, 2012). Throughout the life of an embryo/fetus before it is born as a grown baby, there are several stages that their bodies have to go through. Holistic student development is described as the emotional, intellectual physical as well as spiritual development (Schuh et al. Children will also go through teething., Children continue to develop motor skills during early childhood. In conclusion, this essay has looked at physical development as n important part of a childs life. Infants are born with about one hundred billion brain cells, and when the child is not stimulated the brain cells die off. I still to this day, cannot cut a straight line and I could not color in the lines until I was about ten years old. This goes hand in hand with children beginning primary school and the time in which their extensive educational years begin. I noticed that they are more to observing their hands more than anything. Background/context on the topic definition of poverty and how is it classified statistics regarding poverty within the United States specifically on the children state the aspects touched on the physical and emotional development. For this Assignment, please use the Unit 4 Assignment Template to write a descriptive essay describing major trends in physical changes from infancy/toddlerhood, early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence, by focusing on body growth and motor development. Only the A-papers by top-of-the-class students. Samantha, who is two years Masons senior, was able to ride a bike while Mason was left to run. Here, it is worth noting that the child is developing growing in mass and weight. Infancy I was born three weeks before my due date, but suffered none of the negative effects, Specific milestones in my physical development that were late are, rolling over, sitting, crawling, standing, and walking. Fine motor skills use the smaller muscles, such as those in the fingers. By the age of three, a child has shown sufficient growth by sitting, walking, toilet training, using a spoon, scribbling, and sufficient hand-eye coordination to catch and throw a ball. This essay will focus on development in the physical realm and how the development can be enhanced through the classroom setting. Ultimately, this leads to a greater comprehension of the universe which helps in becoming an all rounded person. Physical Exercise, Nutrition, Teacher, Exposure, Lecture, Realm, Comprehension, Finer. Regardless of the payment method you choose for checking out, all transactions are safe and encryption-protected. 285239422, Well-researched, fact-checked, and accurate, Eloquently written and immaculately formatted. In human beings, there is development in various fronts. During this stage children are beginning to learn how to color, use scissors, write, and possibly tie their own shoes. Utilize information from the text and/or lecture to explain how each experience supports positive outcomes. Physical education is considered vital for people of every age. The most important of these is increase in weight and height. In the early years of development, a child needs to have a lot of encouragement and support so as to successfully go through the physical development stages. Photography is a great way to see how the child has developed physically over the course of the school year. Regular exercise and physical activity promotes strong muscles and bones. Chief among these developments is physical development that entails the acquisition of the motor skills. The teacher while interact with the child while they are playing but will record the date, setting, what the child said verbatim, and some basic information. This also helped me begin develop later motor skills at a normal. The support should be at all levels of interaction with the child be it at school home or within the community. The two groups of physical skills a child needs to develop are gross motor skills, and fine motor skills., At this age their motor development visual information as well as maintaining balance in gross and motor skills occur (Boyd & Bee, 2010). I noticed that they put their fingers in their mouth. During development, there are three basic developmental laws. guage and physical development, as well as cognitive development. For example, the inspector may ask about a girl's feelings if the child breaks her favorite toy, or how to cross the river without wetting one's legs. Children also begin to use symbols to represent other things and where they go through a stage where everyone sees the world as she/he does according to the theorist Piaget (Boyd & Bee, 2010, p. 222). Submitted By: NEAGLE ; Date Submitted: 05/17/2011 6:52 AM ; Category: Miscellaneous; Words: 1231 ; Page: 5 ; Views: 1 ; Physical development observation The aim of my observation was to observe my TC'S physical development according to Elis Flood- Child development for students in Ireland. The following features of physical development during the period of Early Childhood are significant. Some stand opposed to the idea of educational gaming. I thought she was very smart, always eager to answer any questions the teacher asks. There are many positive effects associated with physical exercise that a child gets involved in (Anon. WowEssays. Decent Essays. Physical development is the way the body increases in skill and becomes more complex in performance. For example, during math students are able to play math games and Brian was asked by a white student if he wanted to play with them, but he said no because he already had a partner when he did not., Reading the chapter on intellectual disabilities helped me to partially understand Johns mindset and functionality. Balancing on one leg. Units 3 and 4 have been devoted to understanding physical development in infancy/toddlerhood, childhood, and adolescence. By 5 months, the average baby boy's birth weight has doubled to 16 pounds and, by year 1, has nearly tripled to 23 pounds. Over the course of middle childhood children tend to show slow but steady gains in both height and weight (McDevitt & Ormrod; 2010). In the first to forth months, the length of the body usually is 20-27 inches and weight is 8-16 pounds. Get your free examples of research papers and essays on Physical Development here. At this age, children will be improving the skills they have learned so far, they will have more confidence and more control over their fine motor skills such as cutting, writing and drawing., 5. At this stage, there are various requirements that are needed in order to enhance the development. My development was especially slow in this area. we can ask for is that they come out alive (Thoma 8). The prenatal period is the period between conception and birth. When most people think of their childs growth and development they can remember the ages at which their child first rolled, crawled, or walked.

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