plant population structure

The maximum number of SNPs were mapped to B genome followed by A and D genomes 61. Elser, J. J. Phosphorus: a limiting nutrient for humanity?. Acad. The STRUCTURE results estimated Fst for each subpopulation indicating significant divergence within these subpopulations. It increases the youth population characteristic and the overall population. Xia EH, Zhang HB, Sheng J, Li K, Zhang QJ, Kim C, et al. [20]. Accessions grouped under subpopulation C2 includes EC 576,621, GUTHA, IC 534,271, TURACO, STRETTON, OLYMPIC, SAMNGP 402, SAMNGP 404 and SAMNGP 407. A total of 187 alleles were identified, and the number of alleles . Genome-wide analysis studies on elucidating the complex traits of P efficiency in rice 35, maize 36 and soybean37,38 have been reported but literature on bread wheat is limited. Wild species plays a major role in genetic improvement of cultivars and conservation of genetic resources for crop breeding. The results showed that the K had the maximum value at K=2 (Fig. PLANT POPULATION STRUCTURE AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jin JQ, Yao MZ, Ma CL, Ma JQ, Chen L. Association mapping of caffeine content with TCS1 in tea plant and itsrelated specie. This work involves a combination of field work, greenhouse work, laboratory research, and statistical modeling. External migration is also called emigration. Webb EL, Sah RN. Mol Breed. Google Scholar. 12, 113 (2019). Bar plot of individual ancestry proportions for the genetic clusters inferred using STRUCTURE (K=2) and the reduced dataset. In the subpopulation C2, accessions IC 534,271, STRETTON, and TURACO exhibited higher values (Supplementary Table S10B) whereas in C3, the accessions DBW 107, CARAZINHO, DL 7843, EC 574,376, HD 2643, PBW 644 and RAJ 3777 performed better than the subpopulation average (Supplementary Table S10C). Genome-wide association study of 13 traits in maize seedlings under low phosphorus stress. The P use efficiency (PUE) was calculated as the ratio of grain yield to total P uptake41. Genome-wide association mapping of virulence gene in rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae using a genotyping by sequencing approach. [29] For many traits, the role of structure is complex and not fully understood, and incorporating it into genetic studies remains a challenge and is an active area of research. This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Performance structure in plant populations Spatial structure of plant populations Age structure in plant populations Genetic structure of. Google Scholar. The pairwise LD between 143,041 genome-wide unpruned SNPs from sequences longer than 500kb was calculated based on the allele frequency correlations (r2) using PopLDdecay program1. Gamuyao, R. et al. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of banana genotypes using 14 SSR markers. Bhattarai U, Subudhi PK. 9, 1226 (2018). Further, genotypic differences in P stress tolerance have been reported in many crops, for example, in soybean 7, maize 11, wheat 12 and rice 13. Genome-wide comparative diversity uncovers multiple targets of selection for improvement in hexaploid wheat landraces and cultivars. 23, 833838 (2012). Sci. Soleimani, V. D., Baum, B. R. & Johnson, D. A. AFLP and pedigree-based genetic diversity estimates in modern cultivars of durum wheat[Triticum turgidum L. subsp. Total P uptake was reduced by more than 72% at low P concentration in wheat and triticale genotypes in comparison to sufficient P. The H2 ranged from 72.15% (root-to-shoot ratio) to 100% (P concentration). In addition, natural hybridization between tea species may be another explanation of the results mentioned above (Additional file 1: Table S6; Additional file 1: Table S7). The result was confirmed by both the UPGMA tree (Fig. GD, Ho, and PIC showed significantly higher diversity in Ia, Ib, Ic and II than in III and IV (Table (Table2;2; Additional file 1: Table S5; Additional file 5). 3 main factors affect population structure: Where characteristics describe the structure of a population, factors are what alter them by growing, reducing or changing them. Further, lowest Fst value observed in C2, and highest Fst value in C1 indicates that accessions in the latter subpopulation have several different genotypic patterns or due to hybridisation with divergent parent as it is exhibited in allelic richness. Bioinformatics 28, 23973239 (2012). SZN, DGZ and ZWC conceived and supervised the study. In C3, the CV values were<30% and were acceptable except for root dry weight under sufficient P. However, root-to-shoot ratio and P concentration were<20% at sufficient P and<30% at low P in C1 and C2, respectively. [5], which may be caused by the differences in the genetic backgrounds among different varieties within each species. All the markers were highly informative, a total of 341 scored bands were amplified, out of which 337 (98.83%) were polymorphic. First and second components (a) and first and third components (b) of the PCA analyses are shown, Cluster analysis based on genetic distance using an UPGMA tree. Three such experimental units were used for recording data thus three replicates for each accession and P treatment. Three subpopulations were revealed, C1red color, C2green color and C3blue color. One variety was collected from Guizhou. USDA Circular, 1954; pp.939. 1984. Front Plant Sci. Within PC2, the strong association with population structure was shown by total biomass (28.9%), total P uptake (22.6%) and grain weight per plant (14.7%) at sufficient P. Similarly, in PC2, the genotypic variation was governed by shoot P uptake (27.4%) and PUE (15.9%) at low P. Traits were recorded for two consecutive years for soil experiment and pooled data was subjected to analysis of variance. 7, 541553 (2014). To obtain 1984;(1):210 10.13605/j.cnki.52-1065/s.1984.01.001. In our study, the PIC value ranged from 0.090 to 0.375, with an average PIC value of 0.233 based on the selected high-quality effective SNPs, which is in agreement with the PIC value observed for a set of US wheat genotypes61. The death rate is the opposite of the birth rate, it is the number of people who have died in the area. Plant Sci. Plants showed higher mortality and fecundity tolerance to viruses passaged in more tolerant populations than . Employing genome-wide SNP discovery and genotyping strategy to extrapolate the natural allelic diversity and domestication patterns in chickpea. and the value The Australian accessions such as BENCUBBIN, BLADE, BROOKTON, CALINGIRI, CARNAMAH, DATATINE, EGRET, STILLETO, TAMMIN and WARIGAL were also grouped under C1 subpopulation. Eltaher S, Sallam A, Belamkar V, Emara H, Nower A, Salem K, et al. The genetic variations in GP02 and GP031 were significantly higher than in GP01 and GP032, with GP01 showing the lowest genetic variation (Table (Table3).3). Moreover, the maximum number of effective alleles were found in the C2 subpopulation (Ae=1.665). It decreases the overall population and any of the population characteristics. Species diversity and community structure in sal (Shorea robusta) forests of two different rainfall regimes in West Bangal, India. Article The average values subpopulation-wise for various phenotypic traits recorded for years 2016 and 2017 showed significant (P<0.001) effect in all subpopulations except for PHI in 2016 (Supplementary Tables S6 and S7). Biodiversity and Conservation, 21: 12151228. PubMed q The genetic diversity may be determined by using pedigree data, morphological19 as well as molecular marker information20. Only the reads with quality values >5 were retained as the clean data, and then aligned to the reference genome ( [3] using BWA-MEM (version 0.7.10) with parameters -T 20 -k 30 [54]. The traits used were TBM, GWP, SPP, SPU, GPP, GPU, TPU, PHI, PSSI and PUE under low and sufficient P soil. Natl. We detected no significant differences in PPL among GP02, GP031, and GP032. Development and application of a novel genome-wide SNP array reveals domestication history in soybean. Constructing a linkage-linkage disequilibrium map using dominant-segregating markers. Cluster analysis based on genetic distance using an UPGMA tree. Natl. True or False? In our study, analysis of population structure resulted in three subpopulations. 10.1093/jpe/rtw071 . The gene diversity (He) value depends on the allele richness and abundance of alleles in a population. Decline in height and aboveground biomass of the plant community are critical indicators of grassland ecosystem degradation. S Increases and decreases in population occur due to migration., DOI: 7B). How does gender affect population structure? {\displaystyle i} Li, L. et al. The genotyping of 79,016 SNPs based on GBS in 415 tea accessions have been deposited into the figshare website10.6084/m9.figshare.8343263. Chen L, Yu FL, Tong QQ. {\displaystyle 0,1,2} Nutrient reallocation induced by grazing occurs among different organs, which balances the trade-off between growth and defense. Statistics of individual heterozygosity of 287,408 SNPs based on GBS. A) Brown eyes that appear hazel in the sunlight B) CFTR genes that causes cystic fibrosis C) Black hair that grows rapidly D) Being a fast runner The 'list quadrat', so-called, allowed 'the determination of the greatest variable in vegetation, namely number'. Hence, these markers were eliminated from the dataset. or kept free . Figure S3.. Four inferred populations of the 415tea accessions using STRUCTURE (K=3). d UPGMA cluster tree compared with classification results, C.tachangensis (red), C.sinensis (green), C.remotiserrata (yellow) and uncertain species (blue). Wang Y, Song F, Zhu J, Zhang S, Yang Y, Chen T, Tang B, Dong L, Ding N, Zhang Q. GSA: Genome sequence archive*. Accessions with the score higher than 0.80 were assigned to a pure group, while those with the lower than 0.80 were assigned to the admixture group. Investigation of genetic diversity and population structure of common wheat cultivars in northern China using DArT markers. Among the three subpopulations, C2 was highly diverse (I=0.530, h=0.349, uh=0.395), C1 was least diverse (I=0.453, h=0.280, uh=0.292) while C3 exhibited moderate values of diversity indices (I=0.526, h=0.310, uh=0.318). Community characteristics of a climax subtropical humid forest of Meghalaya and population structure of ten important tree species. Lipka, A. E. et al. Natl. Cell. Fig.1,1, the mean log-likelihood (LnP(K)) curve attained a stable value at around K=3 ~4 [20]. Then: Similarly, for the total population Migration is the act of people moving from one place to another. (Fig.55b). This might be due to the genotypeenvironment (GE) interaction because GE interaction is known to reduce association between phenotypic and genotypic values and cause selections from one environment to perform poorly in another, thereby forcing plant breeders to examine genotypic adaptation80. A total of 415 samples including 159 wild varieties and 256 cultivated varieties (174 ancient landraces, 77 modern landraces and five breeding varieties) were included in this study (Additional file 5; Additional file 2). 66, 191203 (2016). GATK (VERSION 3.7.0) was used call for SNPs. When we talk about gender and population structure, it is normally to find out what kind of services are required. Population structure is how a population can be broken up or distributed. S False. & Allard, R. W. L. Ribosomal DNA spacer-length polymorphisms in barley: Mendelian inheritance, chromosomal location, and population dynamics. [20]. Yao MZ, Chen L, Liang YR. Genetic diversity among tea cultivars from China, Japan and Kenya revealed by ISSR markers and its implication for parental selection in tea breeding programmes. Population ecology. Enhancement of Glen Moy x Latham raspberry linkage map using GbS to further understand control of developmental processes leading to fruit ripening. H Markers without a box: identified under soil; markers within a box: identified under hydroponics; a-m: different traits (a-GPP, b-GPU, c-GWP, d-PUE, e-PHI, f-PAE, g-SPP, h-SPU, i-TBM, j-TPU, k-PSSI, l-SDW and m-PCON); normal font: markers under sufficient P; Bold font: markers under low P; Italic font: markers for which genes identified, markers with *: available in sufficient P and low P. Different colours indicate markers in different situations and for different traits: Blue: 2016; Green: 2017, Red: 2016 and pooled data (2016+2017); Purple, Orange, Maroon and Black: markers identified for more than four, three, two and one trait. Plant Biotechnol. The reduction in total biomass and grain weight per plant at low P was 20 and 24%, respectively. Among subpopulations, C2 showed maximum increase in root dry weight (42%) and root-to-shoot ratio (114%) at low P as compared to sufficient P. The performance of individual accessions in different subpopulations were assessed based on the traits such as total grain weight, shoot P uptake, total P uptake, PUE and PHI obtained from PCA in low P soil contributing>20% to the genetic variability (Supplementary Table S4). For example, age, gender, and ethnicity. Gender, the other two are factors affecting population structure. Genotyping-by-sequencing derived high-density linkage map and its application to QTL mapping of flag leaf traits in bread wheat. Appl. [25], Population structure is an important aspect of evolutionary and population genetics. 104, 350357 (2002). Kuroiwa, 1960a) and Abies sp. Soil structure: Specific crops will do better in heavy or light types of soils according to their nature. The horizontal line represents FDR adjusted p<0.001. Crop Pasture Sci. Randi Abdur Rohman, Sigit D. Maryanto, Tony Liwang, Scientific Reports Plant Physiol. The GP01 cluster identified in STRUCTURE is shown in red, The GP02 cluster in blue, GP031. volume11, Articlenumber:7601 (2021) CAS What are the three types of population structure? On the other hand, in hydroponics screen, BABAX, CARNAMAH, DBW 16, DBW 88, GW 322 and NI 5439 belonging to subpopulation C1 showed higher values than the subpopulation mean for total biomass, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, root-to-shoot ratio and total P uptake (Supplementary Table S10A). , then the resulting in Guizhou Province. 281, 2536 (2006). Nei, M. Analysis of gene diversity in subdivided populations. We used the maximum likelihood parameter in our analyses as recommended by Pritchard [37], in which K was set to three. Husn.]. 126, 14771486 (2013). The raw sequence data reported in this study have been deposited in the Genome Sequence Archive [62] in BIG Data Center, Beijing Institute of Genomics (BIG), Chinese Academy of Sciences, under accession number CRA001438 that is publicly accessible at The shoot P percentage (SPP), shoot P uptake (SPU), grain P percentage (GPP), grain P uptake (GPU) and total P uptake (TPU) were calculated after analysing P concentration. The stability of an MTA across different years is very important. Indications for Three Independent Domestication Events for the Tea Plant (, Fang W, Cheng H, Duan Y, Jiang X, Li X. By exploiting this fact and matching shared haplotype chunks from individuals within a genetic dataset, researchers may trace and date the origins of population admixture and reconstruct historic events such as the rise and fall of empires, slave trades, colonialism, and population expansions. Table S6. and N.S. Hussain W, Baenziger P, Belamkar V, Guttieri M, Venegas J, Easterly A, et al. When testing for population structure, hierarchical F st analysis showed that genetic differentiation was higher among individuals within populations (F Ind/Pop) (Mean [CI]: . Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package. Zhu X, Dong L, Jiang L, Li H, Sun L, Zhang H, et al. Application of SNP markers on plant cultivar identification have been reported, in grape , grapevine , melon and rice . Curr Opin Biotech. Markers with blue plus sign passed Bonferroni Correction. High levels of immigration increase population density, whereas high levels of emigration decrease population density. 4) (Additional file 3: Figure S3). 3) and hydroponics (Fig. Abbreviations: TBM, total biomass per plant; GWP, grain weight per plant; SPP, shoot P percentage; SPU, Shoot P uptake; GPP, grain P percentage; GPU, grain P uptake; TPU, total P uptake; PHI, P harvest index; PAE, P acquisition efficiency; PUE, P use efficiency; PSSI, P stress susceptibility index. Chen, H. et al. We observed the lowest genetic differentiation between GP031 and GP032, suggesting that human activities may have caused frequent gene exchange between these two subgroups. As shown in Fig. SZN and HK wrote and reviewed the manuscript. The DNA markers such as amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), microsatellites, and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been exploited to analyze the relationships and genetic diversity levels in wheat accessions23,24,25. Abiotic and biotic factors define species niche boundaries. This is most noticeable between rural and urban areas where different groups are more prominent and therefore shape the area differently. Population structure is made up of many different types of social groups such as age, gender, and ethnicity. Stop procrastinating with our smart planner features. Cancer is a disorder that rigorously affects the human population worldwide. But this was to be augmented, he urged, by the 'chart quadrat', to indicate the areal extent of each species and to 'furnish a valuable check upon mere number'. Theor. Google Scholar. 2 b Zoom-in scatter plot of LD decay (r2) against the genetic distance, Fst and pairwise genetic distance among four inferred populations of tea plant in Guizhou Plateau, The bottom left is the value of Fst; The upper right is the value of pairwise genetic distance; The different letters indicate a significant difference in p=0.05 levels by the T-test, Genetic diversity, linkage disequilibrium, and population structure analysis of the tea plant (, GUID:7AE8515F-FCD6-4493-8C5A-79F03AE9E725, GUID:6B67D284-B463-4D09-913A-3B35576FD6AD, GUID:63D28949-B6C4-45EA-84C9-64986298FD73, GUID:1416DC56-936C-43FE-9ACD-274A050399D7, GUID:B729295A-C73F-4587-84D5-685F241399C1. This observation could also be a result of the reproductive isolation between species. So, the phenotypic variability can be determined through relative performance such as relative biomass and relative grain yield. The frequencies of A/G and C/T transitions were similar-39.83 and 39.85%, respectively, and the four different types of transversions also occurred at a similar frequency-5.89% for A/T, 5.01% for A/C, 3.81% for G/C and 5.09% for G/T (Table1).

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